Love is a Fallacy 2.ppt

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Love is a Fallacy 2

Love is a Fallacy(22-50) It so happened ……Polly Espy.(Para22-23) get ones hand on: to get or gain. e.g. They all want to get their hands on my money. trunk n. 1)the thick main stem of a tree; 2)the long nose of an elephant; 3) a large box with a lid for storing or transporting clothes,books,etc. I had long coveted……entirely cerebral reason. I had long coveted Polly Espy. covet v. to want sth very much, especially sth. that belongs to sb. else e.g. 1)He had long coveted the chance to work with a famous musician. 2)covet after wealth covetous adj. covetousness n. …… to let my heart rule my head →metonymy: “heart” stands for “feelings and emotions” and “head” stands for “reason and good sense”. I do not let feelings or emotions to get the upper hand of reason or good sense. I’m guided in my actions by reason and good sense and not by feelings and emotions. I was a freshman……ugly girl beautiful.(Para24-27) With one omission, Polly fitted these specifi-cations perfectly. →Polly met all these requirements except one. She was not yet of pin-up proportions, but I felt sure that time would supply the lack. →Though her figure was not as good as women on the pin-up, I was sure she would be better with sufficient time. pin-up n. 名人海报;挂在墙上的半裸美人像 She already had the makings. making n. the act or of process of making or producing sth. 1) be the making of sb.: to make sb. become a better or more successful person 使成为更好(或更有作为)的人 e.g. University was the making of Joe. 2) have the makings of sth.: to have the qualiti-es that are necessary to become sth. 具备了成为……的必要条件 e.g. Her first novel has all the makings of a classic. She had an erectness of carriage, an ease of bear-ing, a poise that clearly indicated the best of breeding. carriage: the way someone walks or move his/her body; behavior; posture. bearing: the manner in which one conduct onesel


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