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M8U1单元检测卷 单词听写 Some animals possess the ________ of man. Alice felt so ________ that she was ready to ask for help of anyone. The boat sank in a ________ storm at sea. If you fold your letter in two, it will fit into the ________. She smiled with ________ confidence. They set up a bronze ________ to his memory. The first sentence of a ________ starts on a new line. From this we can see how much Scottish people ________ Burns. We laughed and that helped ease the ________. What would you do if you were a ________, Andy? characteristics desperate violent envelope supreme monument paragraph adored tension millionaire 首字母填空 Some government officials a________ their power and position. It was g________ of her to contribute such a large sum. I just can’t r________ the temptation of chocolates. The police used dogs to search for the c________ in their hiding place. The store has an excellent r________ for fair dealing. abuse generous resist criminals reputation 单选 1. _______ on the top of the mountain are some wild plants, said to have some medical value. A. Grown B. Growing C. Being grown D. Having grown 2. The boss is away for a meeting, so his secretary will be sent to the airport to meet the guest __________ the boss. A. in honor of B. in charge of C. in favor of D. on behalf of 3. According to the survey carried out among the students, most of the students __________ staying at school for such a long time every day. A. agree to B. object to C. relate to D. used to 4. China won 38 medals at the 2012 London Olympics, _____________ the second in the world. A. ranked B. to rank C. ranking D. having ranked 5. The emperor asked his officials to interpret his dream, __________ he gave the instruction ________ a group of officials should go to find more about Buddha. A. in which, what B. when, which C. where, which D. after which, that 6. I travel to Binhai New Area by light railway every day, __


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