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Why Mind, Brain, and Education Science is the New Brain-Based Education Dr. Tracey Tokuhama-Espinosa, Ph.D. Director of IDEA (Instituto de Ense?anza y Aprendizaje or Teaching and Learning Institute), and Professor of Education and Neuropsychology at the of the University of San Francisco in Quito, Ecuador The following is an excerpt from Mind, Brain, and Education Science: A comprehensive guide to the new brain-based teaching (W.W. Norton) a book based on over 4,500 studies and with contributions from the world’s leaders in MBE Science. “All animals learn; very few teach.” —(Blakemore Frith, 2007, p. 119) Teaching was a simpler craft in generations past. Only the wealthy and well- prepared aspired education past grade school a hundred years ago. Today the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Article 26) suggests that all people (rich, poor, intelligent, and challenged) are equally entitled to a place in our classrooms. Not only do students come with a far greater spectrum of abilities, but also there are also more children than ever before in our classrooms begging for the attention and guidance they need to help them reach their own potential. This wealth of differences provides us with dynamics never before seen in the history of education and offers the promise of richer learning experiences, if we know how to take advantage of the situation and not lament the challenge. The resources and cross-germination of many disciplines, as found in Mind, Brain, and Education science, can offer such a perspective. MBE science began as a cross-disciplinary venture between cognitive neuroscience and developmental psychology, but then it reached further beyond these parameters to integrate education via educational psychology and educational neuroscience (Figure 1.1). However, to actually become its own academic discipline, MBE science went through what Hideaki Koizumi, a leading MBE proponent in Japan, (1999) calls a transdisciplinary developmental process, as noted in F


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