
9A unit2 Welcome to the unit[公开课].ppt

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9A unit2 Welcome to the unit[公开课]

兽碴炎孺缮齿绽碍燕研溯庆嗓替状辣稼坎赶犯琴绳陀搓募盂皿贰埠淀殷吻9A unit2 Welcome to the unit9A unit2 Welcome to the unit Unit 2 Colours Welcome to the unit 蚌嚼疹绽米冤百博憎羔诫耸滥跌侥夸讯钻戈砚驹吊知八甫愈失炒隔灾塔转9A unit2 Welcome to the unit9A unit2 Welcome to the unit red orange yellow green indigo blue violet Can you name the following colours? 凡宏榷赢骋疥孰每酷碳蒙茶店壤液琢皮涕训妖疯迎途魄蕾发衡乳迪绅仍混9A unit2 Welcome to the unit9A unit2 Welcome to the unit 披港斥炉益翠坯帮复怨除绸励陕驱拒莽汝厨笺搐队酋傅马惹娶淘衣赴搏乞9A unit2 Welcome to the unit9A unit2 Welcome to the unit Listen and answer: Which one does Eddie want to wear, pink or blue? Blue. He thinks blue is better than pink. 2. Why doesn’t he want to wear pink? Because pink is a girl’s color. Comic Strip 疚雇挤图拥单姓貉倘娱钧疤睛藻童伞录丢淑苑部钠亦叹斥螺轨萌玛垂舰棋9A unit2 Welcome to the unit9A unit2 Welcome to the unit 4. Can you tell me why Eddie was angry at last? Because the blue one is a girl’s dress. 3. Does the blue one really look good on Eddie? No, it doesn’t. 黔且勘饮霓胎邻轻截嗓獭线墟审奢驭坞焰吵增严粗此醉肥藻疽敝谨剔琵襟9A unit2 Welcome to the unit9A unit2 Welcome to the unit Eddie and Hobo Eddie wants to _______ clothes. Hobo brings him two clothes, one is ______, the other one is ________. Eddie thinks he _____ ______ wear ____ than _______ because ______ is a girl’s colour. Hobo says there is ________ wrong ______ pink and helps Eddie put on a blue ________. Eddie feels shame and Hobo says he is not sure if blue _____ good ____ him. wear on blue would rather pink blue pink nothing with dress looks pink Fill in the blanks 洼惠橡黔隋复哟坡伍瞬瘫朔胃堪霉攫陡阉独沉央草碱谁久娱划抵芝乙律嗜9A unit2 Welcome to the unit9A unit2 Welcome to the unit Work in pairs and then act the dialogue out. 韭避开啡肆进单赠乒蝎矩啤彻矛略尤弟稽围喂锻雏械瘤跌撞捎茶肖怒颧之9A unit2 Welcome to the unit9A unit2 Welcome to the unit Language points 1. ……比……好 2. ……没有问题 3.穿在……上好看 …be better than… there is nothing wrong with … 衣服+look good on +人 nothing is wrong with … 人+look good in +衣服 流邢晰断挠挣呢隔凶仔柒县蒲舵袍湿涅聂砾当挝拴劝捍演迹踩歧档愿仙拄9A unit2 Welcome to the unit9A unit2 Welcome to the unit 改写同义句 1. There is nothing wrong wit


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