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牛津9A Unit 1 重点词汇解析 江苏 李建高 1. divide 【解析】divide作及物动词,意为“,分”。如: Here the river divides into two branches. 这条河在这里分成两条支流。 divide作不及物动词,常用dived by“除以”和divide into“除”中。如: 40 divided by 8 is 5. 40除以8等于5。 5 divides into 40 8 times. 5除40得8。atient 作形容词,意为“耐心的,忍耐的”,在句中做定语表语。He is a patient man. 他是一个很有耐心的男人。 The doctor is patient with me when I was ill. 医生在我生病的日子里对我很有耐心。 atient 还可以作名词,表示“病人”,在句中作宾语。The doctor operated on the patient at once and saved his life. 医生立即给病人实施手术,挽救了他的生命。always patient ______ her patients. A. to B. at C. for D. with 3. save 【解析】save作动词,意为“储蓄,积攒”。… 表示“为……存钱”。如: I am not good at saving. 我不擅长攒钱。He is saving money for a new bicycle. 他正在攒钱买一辆新自行车。 save作动词,还可表示“挽救;保留;收藏”。如: A young man saved a little girl from falling into the water. 一个青年救起了眼看要落入水中的女孩。We’ll take a taxi to save time. 我们乘出租车,好节省时间。 Mother has saved some food for you. 妈妈给你留了点吃的。 I’ve saved one hundred stamps. 我已经收藏了一百张邮票了。在银行中存了许多钱。e ______ ______ a lot of money in the bank. (2)他试图挽救他们的婚姻。 He’s their marriage. 4. argue 【解析】argue作不及物动词argue with / again sb. about / on sth. 表示“与某人辩论某事”argue的名词形式是argument。如: We argued with the waiter about the price of the meal. (= We had an argument with the waiter about the price of the meal.) 我们跟服务员争执那顿饭的价钱。 Daniel often argues with his classmates about questions.经常跟他的同学争论问题。’t argue ______ your grandmother. It’s impolite. A. with B. about C. for D. against (2)He argued ______ Mary ______ the best place for a holiday. A. to; about B. with; about C. to; on D. with; on 5. dream 【解析】dream作形容词,意为“梦想中的,理想的”。如: What is your dream home like? 你理想的家是什么样子的? dream作名词,表示“梦;梦想”。… dream表示“做一个……梦”。如:He had a strange dream last night. 昨梦。dream作动词,意为“做梦梦见”,它的过去式和过去分词有dreamed和dreamt两种形式。如: I dreamt that I was flying in the sky. 我梦见自己在空中飞翔。 【练一练】根据汉语提示,完成句子。 (1)她经常梦想着成为一名歌手。 She often ______ ______ becoming a singer. (2)她从恶梦中醒来。 She woke up in the middle of ______ ______ ______. 6. explain 【解析】explain作及


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