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* * Reading (2) Colours and moods 1. mood n. 情绪 e.g.他的情绪像电梯一样起起落落。 His mood went up and down like a lift. 2. influence vt. 影响 e.g. The weather influences crops. 天气影响收成。 1. Some people believe that colours can influence our moods. influence 动词,influence sb to do sth influence名词, have / has an influence on .. have a good/bad influence on 老师对学生有很大的影响。 Teachers _________ a great ___________?students. 2) 受父母的影响,李梅成为了一名医生。 Li Mei’s parents __________ her ______ a doctor. have influence on influenced to be? e.g.鲁迅的小说影响了数以万计的人。 Lu Xun’s novels have strongly influenced millions of people. 什么影响了迈克,让他做出了那个决定? What influenced Mike to make that decision? 互联网对我们的生活影响很大。 The Internet has an important influence on our life. 他们的母亲对他们的习惯有好的影响。 Their mother has a good influence on their habits. e.g. 下不下雨对我来说都一样。 Whether it rains or not makes no difference to me.? ? 约翰不知道是否应该上大学。 John doesn’t know whether to go to college or not. 3. You may wonder whether it is true. 你可能会想知道这是否正确 whether conj. 是否;无论;不管 whether常与or连用,表示一种选择, “是……还是……;不管是……还是……” whether可引导宾语从句,表示“是否”, 可与if互换使用。 e.g.我不知道我的姐姐是否能赶上早班车。 I don’t know whether / if my sister will catch the early bus. 我想知道你是否能给我一些建议。 I wonder whether I can get some advice from you. Whether 引导表语从句 e.g. The problem is whether Tom will get good grades in such a short time. 问题是在如此短的时间汤姆能否取得 好成绩。 Whether 引导同位语从句。 e.g. Mrs. Wang has answered the question whether Linda can join the club. 王先生回答了琳达是否能加入俱乐部的问题。 1. 汤姆不知道是否要留在这儿。 2. 不管你同不同意,我明天都要去北京。 Tom doesn’t know whether to stay here or not. I’ll go to Beijing tomorrow, whether you agree or not. Whether we will go there depends on the weather. 3.我们明天是否去那里取决于天气。 4.This article explains what colours can do and what characteristics they represent. what colours can do和what characteristics they represent并列作explain的宾语。 e.g. I don’t know when they will leave fo


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