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4. 成功取决于努力。 5. 成功的秘诀在于在机会来临时,你已 做好了准备。 6. 不要仅仅做个成功的人,而要做个有 价值的人。 * 牛津高中英语 (模块十一 · 高三下学期) Word power Qualities for success 板块:教学设计——课件 Unit 3 Please say some words of qualities related to success. Examples: hardworking, intelligent … Brainstorm Examples: lazy, careless … 1. perseverance 2. ambition 3. confidence 4. motivation 5. energy 6. enthusiasm 7. interpersonal skills 8. organization 9. sense of humour 10. help Read the profile on page 38 and find out Victoria Brown’s ten qualities for success. What does “perseverance” mean according to the text? Answer: This means I never give up, even when things go wrong. Even I get knocked back, I just try again. Perseverance adj. perseverant Examples: Your sentences: Perseverance is a good quality to success. I am perseverant. adj. ambitious Examples: Ambition: He had great ambition when he was young. As he grew old, he wasn’t that much ambitious. adj. confident Examples: Confidence: I wasn’t good at English at first. Then I got confidence from my English teacher. And now I am very confident. adj. motivated Examples: Motivation: The president told us that we needed motivation if we wanted to do things well. After his lecture, I got motivated. adj. energetic Examples: Energy: John is full of energy. He is energetic. adj. enthusiastic Examples: enthusiasm: When I met him, I was very much touched by his enthusiasm. She takes an enthusiastic attitude towards life. Examples: Interpersonal skills A good manager needs high interpersonal skills. Examples: Organization Our monitor is a man of organization. He can do most of the things that our head-teacher should do. Examples: adj. humorous Sense of humour The politician has a good sense of humour. He is a humorous man. Examples: adj. helpful Help If you often give others help, you are a helpful person. A game Who can get the most peaches? Try to find the opposite of the given words. You can get one peach for your tree for each correct word. careless


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