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M2U3 词汇练习或检测根据句意和所给中文或首字母写出句中所缺的单词。 Children are c________ about everything. They are always asking a lot of questions. There are many well-p________ old buildings in this small town. These buildings attract a lot of visitors every year. This man spent all of his life sailing across the oceans. Can you imagine living such an a________ life? Don’t d_________ her; she is doing her homework. The d_______ of gold in California made people rush to the west. What a c________ that we meet in Paris! The Great London Fire, which began on 2nd September 1666, r_________ in huge damage to the city of London. Most large ________(山谷)have rivers running through them. There has been no _________(科学的)explanation for how the pyramids were built. The ________(入口处)to the hall is on your right. It is known that Columbus is a great _______(探险家),who discovered America. His _________ (生还)is still uncertain; it will be at least one hour before he can be rescued from the burning fire She is one of the first women _________(宇航员)in China. We should be __________(乐观的)about our future. Only in this way can we enjoy our life. Our government are trying their best to satisfy people’s __________(要求). 二.写出下划线单词或词组的中文意思。 People often say a friend in need is a friend indeed. A person often needs to be very optimistic in order to survive difficult times. After she entered university , Nancy missed her family very much and had a strong desire to return home. The army gave survival training to all the new man. A teacher should have the ability to be in control of his or her class. Yang Liwei is lucky in that he managed both to live his dream and to become famous. Peter decided to apply to a company in Beijing for a job. Jane doesn’t like her superior, because he always orders her to do this or that while she is at work. 三.根据括号里词的适当形式进行填空。 1. As soon as they arrived at the place, they set about _____________ (explore). 2. The government has been considering _______________ the limited resources. (preserv


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