A Survey of BA Theses of English Majors at Hebei University of Technology 英语专业毕业论文--.doc

A Survey of BA Theses of English Majors at Hebei University of Technology 英语专业毕业论文--.doc

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河北工业大学外国语学院英语专业毕业论文调查与分析 A Survey of BA Theses of English Majors at Hebei University of Technology 毕业设计(论文)中文摘要 河北工业大学外国语学院英语专业毕业论文调查与分析 摘要:本论文对河北工业大学外国语学院99、00、01级英语专业本科生毕业论文情况进行了初步的调查,这次调查的主要目的是通过对三届学生论文的调查摸清我院毕业论文的写作情况,以求能发现问题并找到解决之道。本次调查主要调查了论文的选题、论文摘要的写作、论文的文体和论文文献的使用。经过三周左右的调查,笔者发现在这些方面毕业论文都存在着一些问题,选题的过度集中,摘要的写作不合要求,对论文文体的忽视以及论文文献的使用不当,这些问题的发现表明我学院本科生论文的情况不容乐观。经过分析数据,与老师和同学的讨论,笔者提出了一些建议,应该拓宽选题的范围,重视摘要的训练,对于论文文体加强指导和论文文献使用的要求应提高。 关键词:调查;选题;摘要;文体;文献 毕业设计(论文)外文摘要 A Survey of BA Theses of English Majors at Hebei University of Technology Abstract: This thesis has made a preliminary investigation to the BA theses of English majors (2003, 2004, and 2005) of School of Foreign Language, Hebei University of Technology. The main purpose of this investigation is to find out the problems of the BA theses of the English majors and then solve the problems. This investigation has examined the titles, abstracts, style and references of the theses. We have found out the following problems: the excessive repetition of titles, inappropriate writing of abstracts, ignorance of style and the inappropriate references. These problems indicate the current situation of the BA theses of our school is serious. Through data analysis and discussion with the teachers and students in the school, the author has proposed some suggestions: the graduates should widen the range of titles, pay more attention to the training of the abstract, and improve thesis references. In the end, thesis supervisors should strengthen their guidance. Key words: investigation; titles; abstract; style; references A Survey of BA Theses of English Majors at Hebei University of Technology Contents 1. Introduction 1 2. Research description 1 3. Findings and discussion 1 3.1 Topics of the theses 2 3.1.1 Current situation of topics 2 3.1.2 Titles of the theses 3 3.2 Current situation of the abstracts 5 3.2.1 Requirements of writing an abstract 5 3.2.2 Problems of abstracts 6 3.3 Style of the theses 7 3.3.1 Requirements



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