Design and testing of a locally made loop-type thermosyphonic heat sink for stove-top.pdf

Design and testing of a locally made loop-type thermosyphonic heat sink for stove-top.pdf

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Design and testing of a locally made loop-type thermosyphonic heat sink for stove-top

Technical note Design and testing of a locally made loop-type thermosyphonic heat sink for stove-top thermoelectric generators R.Y. Nuwayhid*, R. Hamade Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, American University of Beirut, Riad El Solh 1107-2020, Beirut, Lebanon Received 16 July 2004; accepted 18 September 2004 Available online 23 November 2004 Abstract The performance of a thermoelectric generator, among other aspects, depends on the use of an effective heat sink. While forced cooling using either air or water (or other coolants) is efficient, it is parasitic on the generated power and/or bulky and inconvenient. Heat pipes are known to be highly effective heat transport devices. Coupled to a thermoelectric generator, these can be used to give acceptable power output. Basing the cooling on water gives low-cost, simplicity, safety, together with good performance. In this work, the design and general performance of a small single-module thermoelectric generator configured for a stovetop waste-heat application and coupled to a locally- made thermosyphonic loop-type heat sink was undertaken. Development and performance cctesting gave mixed results and further numerical and experimental study is under way. q 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: Thermoelectric generator; Thermosyphonic heat sink; Stove top1. Introduction Thermoelectric power generation has been in existence for over 100 years. The efficiency of conversion has not managed to exceed about 10% for temperature ranges ofRenewable Energy 30 (2005) 1101–1116/locate/renene0960-1481/$ - see front matter q 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.renene.2004.09.008 * Corresponding author. Fax: C961 1 744 462. E-mail address: (R.Y. Nuwayhid). Nomenclature Cf friction coefficient Cp liquid specific heat Dx grid size [m] g gravitational acceleration [msK2] h heat transfer coefficient [WmK2 KK1] hfg latent heat of vaporization [kJ kg K1] Hp dept


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