ABSTRACT SHIFT-SPLIT IO Efficient Maintenance of Wavelet-Transformed Multidimensional Data.pdf

ABSTRACT SHIFT-SPLIT IO Efficient Maintenance of Wavelet-Transformed Multidimensional Data.pdf

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ABSTRACT SHIFT-SPLIT IO Efficient Maintenance of Wavelet-Transformed Multidimensional Data

SHIFT-SPLIT: I/O Efficient Maintenance of Wavelet-Transformed Multidimensional Data ? Mehrdad Jahangiri University of Southern California Los Angeles, CA 90089-0781 jahangir@usc.edu Dimitris Sacharidis ? National Technical University of Athens Athens, GR 15773 dsachar@dblab.ntua.gr Cyrus Shahabi University of Southern California Los Angeles, CA 90089-0781 shahabi@usc.edu ABSTRACT The Discrete Wavelet Transform is a proven tool for a wide range of database applications. However, despite broad ac- ceptance, some of its properties have not been fully explored and thus not exploited, particularly for two common forms of multidimensional decomposition. We introduce two novel operations for wavelet transformed data, termed SHIFT and SPLIT, based on the properties of wavelet trees, which work directly in the wavelet domain. We demonstrate their sig- nificance and usefulness by analytically proving six impor- tant results in four common data maintenance scenarios, i.e., transformation of massive datasets, appending data, ap- proximation of data streams and partial data reconstruction, leading to significant I/O cost reduction in all cases. Fur- thermore, we show how these operations can be further im- proved in combination with the optimal coefficient-to-disk- block allocation strategy. Our exhaustive set of empirical experiments with real-world datasets verifies our claims. 1. INTRODUCTION The Discrete Wavelet Transform is a well established tool, used extensively in signal processing applications for many years since its introduction. Recently, it has proven useful for a number of database applications as well. The wavelet transformation has been used to provide approximate, pro- gressive or even fast exact answers to OLAP range-aggregate queries [2, 3, 7, 9, 12, 13, 15], with its performance rivaling traditional histogram and sampling techniques. In the do- ?This research has been funded in part by NSF grants EEC- 9529152 (IMSC ERC) and IIS-0238560 (PECASE), unre- strict


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