
五指山、二花脸和皮特兰猪的SLA-DRB基因外显子2 PCR-RFLP及PCR-SSCP多态性分析.pdf

五指山、二花脸和皮特兰猪的SLA-DRB基因外显子2 PCR-RFLP及PCR-SSCP多态性分析.pdf

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五指山、二花脸和皮特兰猪的SLA-DRB基因外显子2 PCR-RFLP及PCR-SSCP多态性分析

 遗 传 学 报  Acta Genetica S inica , February 2005 , 32 (2) : 163~169 ISSN 0379 - 4172 收稿日期 :2004 - 02 - 03 ;修回日期 :2004 - 07 - 08 基金项目 :高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金项目 (编号 :1999030704) [ Supported by the Specific Research Funds of Ministry of Education for Doctoral Subject of Colleges and Universities(No. 1999030704) ] 作者简介 :谈永松 (1970 - ) ,男 ,副研究员 ,博士 ,研究方向 :动物分子免疫遗传 ① 通讯作者。E2mail :lywang386 @yahoo. com. cn ; Tel :025 -Anal ys is of Pol y morp his m o n Ex o n 2 of SLA2DRB i n Wuz his ha n , Er hualia n a n d Pie t r ai n Pi gs wit h PCR2RFL P a n d PCR2S S CP TAN Yong2Song1 ,2 , ZHOU Bo1 , WAN G Lin2Yun1 , ① (1 . College of A ni mal Science and Technology , N anji ng A gricult ural U niversity , N anji ng  210095 , Chi na ; 21 Instit ute of Husbandry and Veteri nary Research , S hanghai Academy of A gricult ural Sciences , S hanghai  201106 , Chi na) Abs t ra c t : Exon 2 of SLA2DRB gene in three strains of pigs was genotyped by PCR2RFLP and PCR2SSCP methods. The strains involved were Wuzhishan ,Erhualian and Pietrain ,and the numbers of them were 17 ,28 and 28 ,re spective2 ly. After genotyping by PCR2RFLP with Msp Ⅰ, all pigs showed the same band pattern (143 bp/ 102 bp) named M. However ,four kinds of band patterns were created by Rsa Ⅰ,that were A :141 bp/ 93 bp/ 11 bp , B :111 bp/ 69 bp/ 54 bp/ 11 bp , C :180 bp/ 54 bp/ 11 bp and D :93 bp/ 48 bp/ 39 bp/ 54 bp/ 11 bp . There were different pattern types in vari2 ous pigs , AA and BB in Wuzhishan pigs , AA , BB and AB in Erhualian pigs , AA , CC and BD in Pietrain pigs. In each strain , A was the dominant band pattern ,its frequency in Wuzhishan ,Erhualian and Pietrain pigs were 0169 ,0173 and 0182 ,re spectively. There were no significant differences in the frequency of A band pattern among these three strains. After genotyping by PCR2SSCP , seven pattern types (αα ,αδ,ββ,γγ ,αγ ,δδ and βε) were observed in these three populations. There were αα ,αδ and ββ in Wuzhishan pigs ,αα ,γγ and αγ in Erhualian pigs ,and αα ,δδ


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