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易学;unit 7;教学目标;词 汇;How much;want (v) ;课 文 解 析;Huaxing Clothes Store SALE!! Huaxing Clothes Store SALE!! 本句是促销常用语 “…大降价/促销”,用于文章标题,大写! 不是句子. 具体格式: “货物/商品名+ (on) sale” Apple on sale! Orange on sale! Huaxing’s great sale华星大甩卖(请回答 ’s和 great 各是何意?) ;Come and buy your clothes at Huaxing’s great sale! 在华星大甩卖时, 来买你的衣服吧 一: 生词与词组: Buy clothes买衣服 at…sale在…卖时(注意at) 二:重点词 and: and可以并列两个任何相同的句子成分. He and I go to the shop and mall for a day and a night. And next day, he will buy some again. ;Do you like sweaters? We have sweaters at a very good price– only $ 25! 翻译:你喜欢毛衣吗?我们有价钱非常好的毛衣---仅仅25元 一: 生词与词组: Only (adv) 仅仅 I only leave a piece of bread我只剩下一块面包了. at a price以…价格(又见at);Do you need bags for sports? We have great bags for only $ 12! For girls, we have T-shirts in red, green, and white for only $18! For boys, you can buy socks for only $5 each! 翻译: 你需要运动包吗?我们有仅需12元的好包!对于女孩,我们有仅需18元的红,绿,白色T恤!对于男孩,你可以每双仅仅5元买到短袜! 一:生词与词组: Great (a)非常好 ; need (v)需要; each (pron)每个 二:重点词: For (请同学们查一下, For有几个意思) Need Can T-shirts in red (in的意思与用法) only 具体钱数 each 每个仅需…钱;重点词 for;重点词 in---衣服+in+ 颜色;重点词each(每一个);难句分析;句型总结;Anybody can afford our prices! Come and see for yourself at Huaxing Clothes Store! 翻译:每个人都能付得起我们的价钱!为了你自己来看看(在华星衣服店里) 一:生词与词组: Anybody任何一个人 at … clothes store在…衣服店 Afford (v) For yourself 为了你自己;语法知识:情态动词的基本用法;词 汇 解 析;How much (多少钱);How much (多少—对不可数名词提问);本 课 总 结;;Anybody at … clothes store Afford (v) For yourself Great (a) need (v) each (pron) Only (adv) at a… price on sale;重点词(要求背用法和例句);语法总结;一双;语法:复习how(一);语法:复习how(二);1Clothes __ necessary to people. Is/ be/ are/ am 2Many sheep __ at the foot of the hill. Is/ be/ are/ am 3Some paper __ on the ground. Is/ be/ are/ am 4Some milk __ good for your body. Is/ be/ are/ am 5Some Chinese __ Japanese. Hate/ hates/ doesn’t like/ likes 6. People __ the owner in our country. Is/ be/ are/ am ;1Girls like all kinds of beautiful __. Cloth/ clothes/ clothing/ close 2Please __ the door. Cloth/ clothes/ opens/ close 3Please use ___ to make cl


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