Shallow analyse Where is in the usage in attributive subordinate clause.doc

Shallow analyse Where is in the usage in attributive subordinate clause.doc

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Shallow analyse Where is in the usage in attributive subordinate clause

精品文档欢迎来主页查询 更多精品文档,欢迎来我主页查询 Shallow analyse Where is in the usage in attributive subordinate clause In the English study of high school, we know, where uses as in attributive subordinate clause the relation is adverbial, make adverbial modifier, antecedent points to a place commonly. For example: Thisisthefarmwhereweworkedwhenwewereyoung. This is us the farm that young moment works here. Hemethiswifeintheparkwheretheyfellinlovewitheachother. He is the wife that encounters him in this park, it is namely over there, they loved each other. Of course, in real English learning, where is in the usage in attributive subordinate clause is far not be so simple, contrary, want complex much, to let a student be in to Where the usage in attributive subordinate clause has better knowledge, I am learning the heavy difficulty problem in the process to talk about its usage to the student below. One, certain of adverbial modifier of appropriative in subordinate clause place “ preposition + relatival “ the structure is OK with Where crossing-over, where=in/at/on/ . . .which For example: ThisisthehouseinwhichIlivedtwoyearsago. This is the house that I had stayed in two years ago. ThisisthehousewhereIlivedtwoyearsago. In English study, not be this kind of use that allows a student purely to know Where OK, student of a lot of moment should master the distinction of the usage of Where and other word, ability holds the usage of attributive subordinate clause better. For example: Thisisthefactorywhere/inwhichyouworkedlastyear. Thisisthefactorythat/which/youvisitedlastyear. In the first in, relatival adverbial modifier is made in attributive subordinate clause, use relation adverb Where so or Inwhich, because the Worked in attributive subordinate clause is an intransitive verb; And in the 2nd in, relatival object is become in attributive subordinate clause, because this uses That or Which, still can omit, visited is a transitive verb. The student still can come up agai



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