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PAGE  PAGE 7 Module 5 Unit 3 Science Versus Nature Project Having a debate 1. We further damage Earth by constructing new water channels for shipping… construct vt. 建筑, 建造(某物); 构成; 形成 construction n.施工; 建设; 建造物;构造物 constructive adj.有建设性的,有帮助的 under construction 正在修建 ①They are planning to construct a bridge over the river. _____________________________________________ ②新铁路正在建造中。 _____________________________________________ Would anyone say that economic development should be stopped in favor of nature? in favor of 支持, 赞同 in one’s favor=to the advantage of sb. 对某人有利 favor n. 恩惠,善意,支持;赞同,好感 vt. 对…表示好感,支持,赞同,偏爱 ask a favor of sb. _________________________ do sb a favor =do a favor for sb=give sb a hand win one’s favour ________________________ ( ) ①Will you do me _____ to translate this sentence into English? A. the favor B. a favor C. a help D. a hand ②两院一致投票赞成这项决定 Both Houses voted unanimously __________________________ ③Fortune favors the brave._______________________________ 4. Other people argue that such thinking may spell disaster… argue with sb about/ over sth _____________________ argue for/ against sth __________________________ argue that…主张 argue sb. into/ out of doing sth _________________ spell vt. pt, pp spelled-spelled or spelt-spelt (a)(用字母)拼(某字); 拼写;正确地拼(字) (b) 招致(某事物); 意味着 ①How do you spell your name? _______ ②The failure of their crops spelt disaster for farmers. __________________________________________ n. [c] 咒语; 咒; 符咒 5. In doing so, they are using up natural resources at a fast rate. rate n. 比率; 率, 速度; 进度, 价格,费用 the rate of finished products 成品率 be sold at a high rate 以高价出售 postal rates 邮费 ① He works at a high rate. __________________________ ② He is walking at a ___ of 4 kilometers an hour. A. distance B. rate C. road D. difference ③火车正以每小时80公里的速度前进。 ____________________________________________ 6. Most of the time it turns out that humans are not really profiting when they damage the environmen


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