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课时作业(二) Personalities and Jobs Making Guesses about People Ⅰ.单词拼写 1.She found a new job as a sales________(助手) in a department store. 2.I hope all our problems can be settled with____________(满意) on both sides. 3.Jenny says that you never know what to expect from day to day in her________(生物学) class. 4.We decided to________(躲避) from the storm in an old temple. 5.We should pardon this boy,as he has never committed such a________(错误) before. 6.We should make friends with those who have good character and________(和善) of heart. 7.From this photo, you can see another________(特点) of Gothic building. 8.This time is an________(独立的) time,but is not an isolated time. 9.Because of this strong________(渴望) to succeed,the majority of my students studied hard. 10.Some people think that environment can shape ________(个性). Ⅱ.单项填空 1.(2013·铜陵高二质检)It is not proper to________from the rain under the big tree in case it thunders. A.shelter  B.flee  C.escape  D.avoid 2.She cant meet the______you made that she________the debt by this month. A.requirement;pays off B.request;paid off C.request;pays off D.requirement;pay off 3.It is great________to know she is well again. A.sorrow B.happiness C.shock D.satisfaction 4.—Shall we go and help them with their work? —Wed better not.They said wed just be________if we tried to help. A.in a way B.by the way C.on the way D.in the way 5.She________that you should call her as soon as you come back. A.desires B.wants C.wishes D.hopes 6.A great person is always putting others interests________his own. A.below B.above C.in D.on 7.(2013·宿州高二检测)John is very________;he almost can do everything by himself. A.independent B.confident C.reliable D.flexible 8.—The speaker is a tall man with glasses. —Then it________be Mr.Smith,who is short and thin. A.cant B.wouldnt C.wont D.mustnt 9.The doctor thought________would be good for you to have a holiday. A.this B.that C.one D.it 10.“________”,said the flight attendant when we all got seated. A.Welco



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