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主席团职能 Duties of Presidium 1.负责学生会工作的审订和工作完成的总结。 Revise and conclude the works of students union 2.负责下任主席团人选的提名事宜。 Arrange nomination for the next presidium members 3.负责学生会内部度势和及时合理的人员调整。 Conduct personnel adjustment in students’ union 4.负责对学生会委员提出的辞职要求作出表决。 Approve resignations of the students’ union members 5.负责对不称职的校学生会干部作出劝其离职的决定。 Expel incompetent leaders in students’ union 6.负责对学生会各部门提出的由学生会主办的活动的方案进行取舍。 Make decisions of proposals for campus activities held by students’ union 7.对学生会各部门的工作完成情况和运作是否协调进行监督。 Supervise all the other departments in students’ union 8.负责对学生会各部门的工作制度的调整修改进行监督。 Adjust and revise the regulations of each department in students’ union 9.提出对负责对学生会各部门的分立、合并、增设、撤消等的议案,并与学校相关行政部 门进行商讨后较有学生会扩大会议进行讨论、表决。 Make proposals of establishing, combination or cancellation of departments in students union. Discuss and vote for expansion of students union with related school administration 10.加强与社团,组织的联系与沟通,及时传达上级知识精神,并在此基础上有侧重点地开 展工作。 Communicate with students’ communities and associations. Convey the courage of upper authorities to the mass. 11.集思广益,积极引导学生会内部的改革与创新工作。 Pool wisdom of the mass and stress the innovation and reform in students union 文娱部职能 Duties of Entertainment Department 1.负责组织策划学生会举办的大型文艺活动,负责组织与社会各界及兄弟学校进行文化交 流,繁荣我校文艺事业。 Organize major entertainment shows and in charge of cultural exchange with brotherhood schools to flourish the school culture 2.配合学校有关部门,做好重大节日的庆祝组织工作。 Corporate with school administration and organize celebration events for major festivals 3.负责校主持人的选拔和培训。 In charge of the training and election of hosts for campus activities 4.组织策划晚会,歌手比赛,专场文艺演出等活动丰富同学们课余文化生活的文娱活动. Organize entertainment shows, singing competitions and individual performances ect to enrich students’ extracurricular life 体育部职能 Duties of Sports Department 1. 与广大同学及学校有关部门密切联系,及时反映同学们对学校体育工作的意见和要求, 并传达学校对体育工作所下达的各项政策,促进我校体育事业的发展。 Communicate with school administrations and the mass. Inform students’ advice and demand f



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