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新目标七年级.上册;Period I;;Words and Expressions;Words and Expressions;ball;Do you remember how to greet people? 你还记得如何问候吗?;Let’s listen to a song about greeting! 让我们听一首关于问侯的歌吧!;What’s your /his /her name? 你、他、她叫什么名字?;情景演示;Hello, I’m Jim.;My name’s Kim. What’s your name?;;;;Hello!/Hi ! Good morning. Good afternoon. Good evening. Nice to meet you. How do you do? How are you? ;见面用语总结;Listen and number the conversations[1-3]. ;Conversation 1: Mary: Hello. I’m Mary. Jim: Hi, Mary. I’m Jim. Conversation 2: Teacher: What’s your name? Alan: Alan.;1;Listen again. Circle the names you hear. 再听一遍,圈出你听到的名字。;Conversation 1: Tony: Hello. What’s your name? Jenny: My name’s Jenny. Tony: I’m Tony. Jenny: Nice to meet you, Tony.;Conversation 2: Bill: What’s his name? Maria: His name is Tony. Bill: And what’s her name? Maria: Her name is Jenny.;Conversation 3: Bob: Excuse me, are you Mark? Mark: Yes, I am. Bob: I’m Bob. Nice to meet you. Mark: Nice to meet you,too.;Conversation 4: Teacher: Good morning,boys and girls. My name’s Linda. What’s your name? Jim: My name’s Jim. Teacher: And what’s your name? Mary: My name’s Mary.; Pairwork 结对活动 ; Pairwork 结对活动 ;question n. 问题;疑问;询问 May I ask you a question? 我可以问你个问题吗? question v. 询问;审问 The teacher will question us on verbs. 老师将问我们关于动词的知识。;answer n. 答案;回答 Please write your answers on the paper. 请把你的答案写在纸上。 answer v. 答复;回答 How to answer the question? 如何回答这个问题呢?;look v. 看;注视 Don’t look out the window, please. 请不要向窗外看。 look n. 看,瞧 Have a look at your book, please. 请看你的书。;;Tony: Hello. What’s ____ name? Jenny: My _________ Jenny. Tony: ___ Tony. Jenny: Nice to meet you, Tony.;1. Revise the new words in section A. 2. Practice the conversations in 2a.;The end of this period!


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