Saliva enzymatic detection of bacterial vaginosis Clinical analysis of 465 patients.doc

Saliva enzymatic detection of bacterial vaginosis Clinical analysis of 465 patients.doc

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Saliva enzymatic detection of bacterial vaginosis Clinical analysis of 465 patients

 PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 8 Saliva enzymatic detection of bacterial vaginosis Clinical analysis of 465 patients [Abstract] Objective To investigate the incidence of bacterial vaginosis and its influencing factors. Methods From January 2009 to 2009 period of 12 saliva enzymatic detection of bacterial vaginosis diagnosed 465 cases of clinical analysis. The result of bacteria vaginosis, vaginal inflammation in our hospital accounted for 34.5%. Conclusions Bacterial vaginosis is a common vaginal inflammation, a higher incidence. [Keywords:] bacterial vaginosis, morbidity, saliva enzymatic Bacterial vaginosis (bacterial vaginosis, BV is a common form of women of childbearing age vaginal inflammation. BV is a normal vaginal memory in a group of organisms (Gardnerella vaginalis, Prevotella bacteria, Peptostreptococcus, purple Aeromonas , moving curved bacilli and Mycoplasma hominis, etc.) abnormal increase in hydrogen peroxide production by Lactobacillus decreased or disappeared, resulting in a set of vaginal microflora imbalance clinical syndrome. BV can cause chorioamnionitis, preterm labor, premature rupture of membranes, oviduct a variety of gynecological and obstetrical diseases go far, has attracted the attention gynecologists. at home and abroad reported that BV infection are very different, the foreign share reported in the literature BV gynecology clinic patients, 15% to 29% [1]. China reported BV incidence rate of 10% ~ 50% [2]. BV sialidase detection method is a simple, objective, rapid diagnostic method for BV, vaginal secretions by detecting chromogenic sialidase tests in symptomatic The sensitivity of women (88%) and specificity (95%) was better [3]. Bacterial vaginosis is the female reproductive tract infection in common disease. now in January 2009 to December in my detected by the saliva enzyme Outpatient diagnosis of bacterial vaginosis cases of 465 patients were analyzed as follows. 1 Materials and Methods 1.1 General information selected


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