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PAGE  PAGE 2 Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show? The Fourth Period Section B ( 2a–2e) Teaching aims(教学目标) 1. 通过阅读对世界经典动画有更深的了解。 2. 能够通过when/how/what/why问题进行文章的构思写作。 3.通过文章阅读提高scanning/skimming阅读策略能力。 4.要求掌握以下词汇: 1) 名词n. culture, reason, film, 2) 形容词adj. famous, rich, successful, main, common, unlucky, ready Teaching steps(教学步骤) 1. Warm-up Have Ss look at 2a and get into groups of three or four to discuss the three questions. (2) Let’s Meet Mickey! (设计意图:由于阅读文章是以一个广为人知的卡通形象为核心的,此处将2a的读前活动稍作调整,先让学生观察图片,通过图片引发一系列有关卡通片,特别是有关米老鼠的问题,从而充分激活学生的背景知识,为后面的阅读活动做准备。) Have Ss read the passage in 2b quickly and scan for information. Then have Ss look at the screen and guess the main idea of the passage. (设计意图:该步骤旨在调动学生阅读的积极性和主动性,让他们带着期待去阅读,并在阅读中检验自己的预测,这种交互性阅读能够促进学生对文章内容的深刻理解。) Now, have Ss close their textbooks and look at the questions on the screen. Ask them to get into pairs and say their answers. 1. How many cartoons did Walt Disney make with Mickey? A. 80. B. 87. C. 90. D. 97. 2. When did Mickey first appear? A. November 18, 1928. B. November 18, 1930. C. November 18, 1938. D. November 18, 1978. 3. Who is Mickey’s girlfriend? A. Daisy B. Sleeping Beauty C. Minnie D. Snow White 4. Does he always do something good? A. No, he sometimes hurts others. B. Yes, he is always ready to help others. (根据学生已有的动画片的知识,激发他们的美好回忆,同时激发他们对于新语篇的阅读兴趣。) 2. Work on 2b. Have Ss open their books again and skim through the passage one more time. Then, ask them to complete the time line on page 38. (以时间发展的形式,清晰地帮助学生抓住时间的发展顺序来理解文章内容,是种阅读策略的渗透,通过快速阅读寻找文章的时间脉路。) 3. Work on 2c. Have Ss read the passage again and fill in the facts in the chart about Mickey. (通过scanning阅读策略寻找具体信息。) 4. Work on 2d. Read the passage again and discuss the questions with a partner. 5. Summarize (通过这个环节即可以巩固所学的重要词汇,又可以提高学生总结文章的能力,同时还为怎样写影评做好了框架铺垫) Have Ss look at the screen and fill in the blanks as a class. Tell them that


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