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我要点评 教学设计 Teaching aims: Knowledge objects: Students can learn and master the following language points: New words: nowadays, among, crayon, shame, count, century, opposite, especially, childhood, consider, hold Phrases: search for, regard…as, according to, close to, consider, in one’s opinion… Ability objects: Students will be encouraged to catch the main idea of the passage by skimming, scanning and careful reading. Students can use previous knowledge to predict what a text is about. Moral objects: Students can feel that there’s no play like hometown. Students will be interested in the topic and be willing to share their sweet memories about hometowns.. Teaching Difficult Points: Students will find it hard to use previous knowledge to predict what a text is about. How to use the language points learned in the text. It may be difficult for students to understand the author’s intention of writing this passage. Teaching Procedures: Step 1 Warming up and lead-in Enjoy a song named Country Road, take me home Free talk Encourage students to answer the following questions by using their previous knowledge. (Show some pictures to help them if they find it difficult to answer.) ?What is the song about? What’s it full of? Ss can easily get that it’s a song about returning to hometown.? (help Ss to express return in another way ) (Show two pictures about leaving hometown) Why do millions of people leave their hometowns? How often do you think these people visit their hometown? Why do they return to hometowns? Help Ss get to know most of the people have the strong hometown feelings. 3. Show the reading strategy to students: ? Try to guess what a passage is about by using previous knowledge. Answering questions before we read helps us do this. 设计意图:音乐是最美妙的语言,用音乐导入,活跃课堂气氛,引起学生兴趣,并把学生引导到自己所设置的话题,同时处理掉部分新单词。 Step 2 Reading Skimming Let students read the passage quickly and choose the style of the text. 2. Scanning ? Let students read the passage quickly and find out what the stru


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