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第 23卷  第 11期 中 国 给 水 排 水 Vol. 23 No. 11 2007年 6月             CH INA WA TER WA STEWA TER               Jun. 2007 投加高效菌处理回灌型垃圾填埋场渗滤液的研究 庞金钊 ,  刘  欣 ,  杨宗政 ,  李晓艳 ,  范  鹏 (天津科技大学 化工学院 , 天津 300222)   摘  要 :  从垃圾转运站被污染的土壤中筛选出 1株高效菌 , 向垃圾渗滤液中投加该菌株进行 厌氧摇瓶试验 ,结果表明该菌株具有较好的厌氧去除氨氮的性能 。将该菌株投加于模拟填埋场生 物反应器中 ,进行了为期 282 d 的试验 ,结果表明 ,渗滤液中的氨氮与 COD 被同时去除 ,第 282 天时 渗滤液中的 COD 为 770 m g/L、NH + - N 为 90. 1 m g/L ,大大降低了渗滤液后续处理的难度 。 4   关键词 :  垃圾渗滤液 ;  氨氮 ;  含氮有机物 中图分类号 : X703  文献标识码 : C  文章编号 : 1000 - 4602 (2007) 11 - 0064 - 03 Study on Trea tm en t of Recycled L andf ill L eacha te by A dd ition of H igh Eff ic iency Stra in s PAN G J inzhao,  L IU X in ,  YAN G Zongzheng,  L I X iaoyan ,  FAN Peng (S chool of Chem ica l E ng ineering, T ianj in Un ivers ity of S cience and Technology, T ianj in 300222, Ch ina)   A b stract:  A h igh efficiency strain wa s screened ou t from po llu ted so il in a refu se tran sfer station , and added in to landfill leachate in an anaerob ic bottle shak ing te st. The re su lt show s that the strain ha s a h igher anaerob ic removal efficiency of ammon ia n itrogen. In the b io logical reactor added w ith the strain , a landfill sim u lation te st wa s conducted for 282 days. The re su lts indicate that the ammon ia n itrogen and COD in landfill leachate are removed synchronou sly. The COD and ammon ia n itrogen in landfill leachate on the 282 th day are 770 m g/L and 90. 1 m g/L , re sp ectively. Thu s the difficu lty in po sttreatm en t of


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