Unit1 Lesson2 The Lost Generation 美英报刊选读.ppt

Unit1 Lesson2 The Lost Generation 美英报刊选读.ppt

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Unit1 Lesson2 The Lost Generation 美英报刊选读

Unit1 Lesson2 The Lost Generation I. Introduction BusinessWeek II. Background information– generations in United States, social groups III. The Text (Summary of each paragraph, reading exercises.) Background information 1.1 Business Week 1.1 BusinessWeek BusinessWeek is a business magazine published by McGraw-Hill. It was first published in 1929 (as The Business Week) under the direction of Malcolm Muir, who was serving as president of the McGraw-Hill Publishing company at the time. Its primary competitors in the national business magazine category are Fortune (1930)and Forbes (1917), which are published bi-weekly. From 1975, it carried more advertising pages annually than any magazine in the United States, and in the mid 1990s its circulation was more than one million worldwide. Since 1988, Business Week has published annual rankings of United States business school MBA programs.In 2006, it also started publishing annual rankings of undergraduate business programs. BusinessWeek discontinued its European and Asian editions in 2005. The press release of 07 December 2005 issued by McGraw-Hill stated that it had decided to deliver a single global edition instead of providing separate regional ones. On October 12, 2007, BusinessWeek launched a revamped design, its first in four years. Several sections were redesigned to focus the publication more on news and global coverage, while eliminating the Executive Life section. 美国《商业周刊》系全球销量第一之商业类杂志,也是全球最大的商业杂志。该刊中文版创刊于1986年,由中国商务出版社与美国麦格劳-希尔公司合作出版。 考核知识点 美国内战后几代人 美国社会群体相关词语 美国内战后的几代人分别是: 传教士一代 1860—1882出生(他们有着强烈的使命感,在国内开展禁酒、戒毒和女权运动,在国外积极传播基督教),美国内战摧毁了阻碍社会经济发展的南方奴隶制度,促进了北方大资产阶级和大工业的发展。生活水平的提高使这代人受到良好教育,具有强烈的使命感。他们视自己为道德的守护神,狂热地推行其主张。在国内,他们积极组织“打击不端行为纠察队”,大力开展禁酒、戒毒和女权运动;在国外,积极传播基督教。一战后,这一代人进人中年,开始掌握国家政权。 丁韪良 (1827—1916) 美国基督教新教传教士,曾长期担任中国著名教育机构北京同文馆和京师大学堂(北京大学前身)的负责人。 ????丁韪良在中国生活将近60年,其使命本是传播基督教,但他多年从事翻译、教育的实际工作,却使他无意之中在中国近代教育的酝酿和形成过程中,扮演了一个重要角色。一个历史场景至今耐人寻味:1898年,当中国的第一所大学——京师大学堂(今北京大学)成立时,丁韪良被光绪皇帝任命为首任总教习(即校长)


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