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User Involvement Techniques for Handling Memory Constraints in the UI © 2004 Charles Weir, James Noble. Abstract : This p ap er describes some UI design p atterns to use when creating sof tware to run in limited memory. It is a draf t version of a chap ter to add to the authors ’ book Small Memory Sof tware, and f ollows the structure of other chap ters in that book. Major Technique: User Involvement How can you manage memory in an unp redictable interactive system ? Memory requirements can depend on the way users interact with the system. If you allocate memory conservatively, the systems functionality may be constrained. If you allocate memory aggressively, the system may run out of memory. The system needs to be able to support different users, who will use the system in quite different ways. Users using the system need to perform a number of different tasks, and each task has different memory requirements. The system may have to run efficiently on hardware with greatly varying physical memory resources. The system’s functionality is more important that its simplicity. In many cases, especially in interactive systems, memory requirements cannot really be predicted in advance. For example, the memory requirements for the Strap-It-On PC’s word- processing application Word-O-Matic will vary greatly, depending the features users choose to exercise once user may want voice output, while another a large font for file editing. The memory demands of interactive systems are unpredictable because they depend critically on what users choose to do with the system. If you try to produce a generic memory budget, you will ov



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