Correspondence about community needs and empirical research on the Reform of University Correspondence Courses.doc

Correspondence about community needs and empirical research on the Reform of University Correspondence Courses.doc

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Correspondence about community needs and empirical research on the Reform of University Correspondence Courses

Correspondence about community needs and empirical research on the Reform of University Correspondence Courses Paper Keywords: correspondence Enlightenment social needs empirical investigation Abstract: Correspondence is a branch of ESP, the content along with the international trade structure, methods and changes in the way of communication and continuous development and change. In view of the practical correspondence courses. Group members carried out surveys and correspondence seeking social Po Correspondence empirical investigation. Through the analysis of the results of two surveys presented correspondence course teaching reform. Correspondence is English for Specific Purposes (ESPi English for Specific Purpose), a branch of it are bound to follow the theoretical framework of ESP. Any kind of courses are set up according to certain needs. Hutchinson and Waters (1989:53 ) that the content of ESP teaching should give top priority to the needs of learners. needs analysis should be the outline, curriculum, teaching and learning materials design and the starting point. Aobinson (1991:3) also made from the ESP curriculum needs to be analysis above, and this analysis should be “aims to specify as closely aspossible what exactly it is that students have to do througlmhemedium of English” (to the students as clearly as possible what to do through the medium of English for the purpose.) First, the needs of society and the consequent correspondence Based Hutchin}. And Waters (1989) theory, we do foreign trade business for the correspondence course needs of the community survey (a total of 42 valid questionnaires), summarized as follows: (A) the attitude of correspondence courses Investigators are aware of at the school during the course of the importance, of which 3 $ .1% of people think that this course is very important, 33.3 percent of people think this course is very important, 28.6% people think that the general course important. and nearly half


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