Construction of university classes - classes with sincerity and love to build a building.doc

Construction of university classes - classes with sincerity and love to build a building.doc

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Construction of university classes - classes with sincerity and love to build a building

Construction of university classes - classes with sincerity and love to build a building Abstract Today, the 21st century, the community college students have become increasingly demanding, as educators, colleges and universities faced with unprecedented challenges. How to build a university classes in the building? How in the increasingly competitive environment, train students to meet the needs of the community? After I arrived at after four years of counselor work of educating people to be better managed, Fuwuyuren work, sincerity and love are essential. 【Key Words】 colleges and universities; class building; in good faith; Care Introduction The 21st century, along with the development of the socialist market economy, the community college students have become increasingly demanding, it requires not only students with a solid professional knowledge, also requires students with good physical and mental qualities, strong practices and manipulative ability, students learn to be, learn knowledge, learn to labor, learn to live, learn to develop. This is for those of us engaged in the ideological and political work, day to day management and student quality education and training of counselors to work in terms of only through continuous learning, innovation, advance with the times in order to face the changing realities of the environment, timely adjustment of ideas, to meet the various challenges faced. I was the class instructor in Guizhou Normal University, College of Liberal Arts 2002 radio and television journalism, a total of 115 students. During his tenure, I took forward to the unity, progressive collective, in the 2004-2005 school year, Guizhou Normal University, was colonel-level “excellent class body”; 2003-2005 colonel-level for two consecutive years won the Guizhou Normal University, “Class group branches” the title, in the face of this unusual precious honor, I know very well as a good counselor should be better managed and educating people, Fu


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