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U1The world of our senses Important phrases be covered in a grey mist被浓雾笼罩 step out into the fog走进雾中 take one’s fare收取车费 It is too foggy for the bus to run that far. (that=this=so) 雾太大,巴士无法行驶那么远。 glance at sth.瞥一眼 be nowhere to be seen看不到、消失 in sight \out of sight在视野中\脱离视线 by the time到……时候 a rough hand一只粗糙的手 feel one’s heart beating with fear感觉心脏因害怕而剧烈跳动 wish for sb. to do盼望某人做某事 fear hold one’s still恐惧使某人无法动弹;find oneself发现自己做某事或处于某种状态 stare at盯着 watch out for留心、注意 watch for 站岗 A nice age to be.花样年华 at the crossroads在十字路口 come to one’s aid来帮助某人 pay back回报、归还 have things in common有共同点 take sb.as an example以某人为例子 make sense\make no sense有意义\无意义 stay out of my way不要挡了我的路 be related to\be linked to\relate to和…有联系 hit sb.on the nose\hit sb. in the face击打某人的鼻子\脸(硬的部位用on软的部位用in);recognize sth. by sth.通过…辨认出某物 contrary to sth.和…相反的 on the contrary相反的 mistake A for B 把A错当成B give up放弃 give out分发 result in\lead to\contribute to导致 have a fresh wound身上有新伤 attach sth.to把某物连接到… in time准时、最后、终于 to and from来回 the front lines前线 remain a mystery仍是一个谜 eye-catching吸引人眼球的 a blind man with a beard一个长络腮胡子的盲人;U2 Language Important phrases all through history纵观历史 be made up of\consist of由…组成 be different from\differ from与…不同 be named after以…命名 mix with混合 mix up搅混 feel puzzled about对…感到迷惑 play a part in起作用 even though\even if甚至 add sth. to把某物加到…上 come into widespread use得到广泛使用 go through huge changes经历巨大改变 keep on changing不断变化 make the contribution to对…做贡献;in this case在这种情况下 in no case\never绝不会、永不 To see is to believe.眼见为实 upset sb.\make sb. unpleased使某人不高兴 be accessed on the Internet可以在网上获得 disagree with sb.不同意某人 due respect (due=suitable=right)得当的、合适的尊重 in conclusion\in all总的来说 sb. be likely to do sth.某人可能做某事(主语是人,只能用likely) stand for象征、代表、支持、主张 an ancient story一个古代故事 the tracks of animals in the snow雪地中动物的踪迹 as a whole整体上 develop from A into B 从A发展到B;a prisoner in prison一名监狱中的犯人 as a result of an injury伤害的结果 as much as 100 pounds多达100磅 as early as the fifth century


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