波轮式全自动洗衣机电系统设计(毕业论文) .doc

波轮式全自动洗衣机电系统设计(毕业论文) .doc

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分类号             郑州电力高等专科学校 毕 业 设 计(论 文) 题    目 波轮式全自动洗衣机机电系统设计    并列英文题目 Design of Electromechanical System of Automatic Wave-wheel Washing Machine 系  部 机电工程系      专业 机电一体化技术    姓  名 王鹏飞       班级 机电0701      指导教师 李妍缘       职称 讲师        论文报告提交日期 2010-6-10  郑州电力高等专科学校 【摘要】 随着社会经济的发展和科学技术水平的提高,家用电器全自动化成为必然的发展趋势。全自动洗衣机的产生极大的方便了人们的生活。洗衣机是国内家电业唯一不打价格战的行业,经过几年的平稳发展,国产洗衣机无论在质量上还是功能上都和世界领先水平同步。纵观洗衣机市场,怎样设计出高效节能、省水、省电、环保型洗衣机是各大名牌洗衣机生产厂商一直不懈追求的目标,同时也促进了洗衣机向功能更加强大,价格更加低廉,控制更加智能化方向的发展。也因此,全自动洗衣机一直在市场上占据着主导地位。 该设计主要就波轮式全自动洗衣机的机电系统包括进排水系统、传动系统、及控制系统等部分进行了详细设计,并实现了全自动洗衣机的正常运行,强制性停止、故障检测和报警提醒功能。 关键词: 单片机 全自动洗衣机 传动系统 【ABSTRACT】 With the socio-economic development and raising the level of science and technology, fully automated home appliances become inevitable trend of development. Production of automatic washing machine is very convenient for peoples lives. Washing machine is the only non-domestic appliance industry price war in the industry, after several years of steady growth。Domestic washing machine in terms of quality or functionality keep up with world-leading levels . Throughout the washing machine market, how to design energy efficient, saving water, energy saving, environment-friendly washing machine is a major brand name manufacturers having continued to pursue, it is also promoting a washing machine to more powerful, more affordable, more intelligent control of the direction of development. As a result, fully automatic washing machine has dominated the market. The design of wave wheeled automatic washing machines, electrical and mechanical systems including Intake and drainage System ,transmission system, and control system as part of the detailed design。Achieving the normal operation of automatic washing machine, the mandatory stop, fault detection and alarm alerts. Keywords: SCM Automatic washing machine ? transmission system 目 录 摘要 2 目录 3 前言 5 第一章 波轮式全自动洗衣机机电系统设计方案总体分析 5 1.1 全自动洗衣机的功能简述 7 1.2 全自动洗衣机的整体结构 9 第二章 进水、排水系统设计 11 2.1 进水、排水系统的总体结构设计 11 2.2



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