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2017年高考英语全国卷信息归集与高考命题预测 一、信息归集 1.命题要求变化 尽管2017年考纲说明变化细微,但2017年英语科高考命题将体现我国高考“一体四层四翼”的高考评价原则。基于高考真题研究和评价并综合我处和其他高考研究专家对2017年高考英语命题趋势做出提示,信息仅供参考。 (1)命题形式:从考纲说明推断,第三部分第二节(语法填空)命题素材为短文形式。 (2)考查方式:阅读理解推断题可能不仅限于简单推断类,而体现较高思维层次的推断。 2.高考考情报告 (1)命题选材丰富多样,体裁多样化。 (2)命题素材体现教育意义,落实立德树人任务。 (3)弘扬中华优秀文明,引导树立民族自信。 (4)试卷追求严谨科学,全面考查语言能力。 二、命题预测 1.命题素材体现传统文化,在语境中考查知识 命题规划重视语境设置,突出考查考生在不同语境下对词汇、句法和语篇的理解和运用能力。 试题的语境化设计可体现在各种题型的设计中,特别是从2014年开始引入的新题型--语法填空,更加明显地体现了在语境中考查语法基础知识的特点。 例题1:2017届全国100所名校最新高考模拟示范卷(六) 语法填空 An?umbrella is a folding?cloth cover supported by wooden or metal ribs (伞骨). The word “umbrella” 61 (typical) refers to a great invention of China, used for 62 (protect) from rain. The Chinese character for umbrella is related to the shape of a real one, 63 (resemble) the modern umbrella in design. Some investigators have supposed that its invention 64 (create) by tying large leaves to branchy-like ribs. Others advocate that the idea probably came from the?tent, 65 remains unchanged in form to the present day. 66 use of the umbrella was often linked to high-ranking in ancient China. 67 at least one occasion, twenty-four umbrellas were carried before the Emperor 68 he went out hunting. The umbrella 69 (serve) in this case as a defense against rain rather than sun. The Chinese design was later brought to Japan via Korea and also introduced to?Persia?and the?Western world?via the?Silk Road. The Chinese and Japanese traditional umbrella, often 70 (use) near temples, remains similar to the original ancient Chinese design. 【语篇导读】本文素材涉及中国传统文化现象—伞的发明和发展,有利于引导考生树立文化自信。 2.稳定保持素材的语言真实性 学习语言和进行语言测试时,命题者会选取一些情景真实、语言地道的语言材料,这样才能够真正体会到该语言承载的文化。本着这一原则,命题者会尽力保持所选材料的“原汁原味”,同时结合考生的实际水平,按照考生水平进行适当简化。 例题2:2017届全国100所名校单元测试示范卷 高三 英语卷(五) 阅读理解 Company Name: Microsoft Founder: Bill Gates Microsoft, a household computer brand name, was founded by Bill Gates and Paul Allen. Bill Gates got into Harvard University, but after completing just one year there, Paul m


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