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ISSN 1002- 4956 28 7 2011 7 CN 11- 2034/ T Ex perim ental Techn l gy and Managem ent V l. 28 N . 7 Jul. 2011 SMPT1000 纪 超, 王 晶, 于建梅 ( 北京化工大学 信息学院, 北京 100029) : , SMPT 1000 , , , SIMAT IC P CS 7 BOX , , : ; ; SMPT1000 ; SIMAT IC PCS7 BOX : T P273 : A : 2011) Design f r b iler c ntr l experiment based n SMPT1000 experiment platf rm Ji Cha , Wang Jing, Yu Jianmei ( C llege f Inf rmati n Science and T echn l gy , Beijing University f Chemical T echn l gy, Beijing 100029, China) Abstract: There ex ist s me weaknesses in the traditi nal pr cess c ntr l experiment systems, theref re, the super multifunct i n pr cess c ntr l t raining system SMPT1000 experiment platf rm is emerged. Based n the industrial b iler f SMPT1000 platf rm, acc rding t the perat ing pr cedures f industrial b iler , the c mplete c ntr l strategy w hich includes c mbusti n sy stem, drum water level system, stem temperature and ther systems is pr p sed, then SIMAT IC PCS 7 BOX is used t implement this c ntr l strategy . Finally the detailed analy ses f c nt r l results pr ve the practicability and r bustness f the c ntr l scheme pr p sed here. Key words: pr cess c ntr l experiment; b iler ; SMPT1000 experiment platf rm; SIMAT IC PCS 7 BOX , , , SM PT1000 , , SIM AT IC PCS 7 BOX( , PCS 7 BOX) , , , , SM PT1000 , [ 1] SM PT10


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