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47  11       Vol.47 No.11 2 0 1 1  6  JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Jun. 2 0 1 1 DOI 10.3901/JME.2011.11.117   *  1   1  2  2 1  2 (1.   610065  2.   643000)      !#$%( )*+,-.+,/012  03 4567189:2;=( ?@-AB C DEFGHIJ !K%L MCNOPQ;(KR  !#$%-S12 TU VWXYZ[\B] #$%^_`abc def ( )*ghijkl( )*+,mCnopq-r.+,sHgtMuvwxy z{|}( )*j)*~€EDE‚U~:ƒ- ( )* #$%  ! xyz{|}  „TG502 Method of Key Thermal Stiffness Identification on a Machine Tool Based on the Thermal Errors Neural Network Prediction Model YANG Hong1 FANG Hui1 LIU Lixin2 ZHANG Dingjin2 YIN Guofu1 XU Dewei2 (1. School of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610065; 2. Changzheng Machine Tool Group Company Limited, Zigong 643000) Abstract To distribute the thermal stiffness of a machine tool reasonably and provide the basis for the optimization of thermal stiffness of machine tool parts, an identification method for the key thermal stiffness of a machine tool based on the thermal error neural network prediction model is proposed. Considering the feature that the influences of the thermal stiffness of different parts on the whole machine tool’s thermal stiffness are non-identical, this method proposes the concept of key thermal stiffness. According to experimental data of temperature and thermal errors, a thermal errors prediction model is built by using radial basis function neural network for its high modeling


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