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20 4 Vol120 No14 2006 12 GEOSCIENCE D ec12006 RS GIS ) ) ) 侯 敏, 贾韶辉, 郭兆成 ( , 100083) : (RS)(GIS) , (AH ), , , 5, A rcG IS, , , : ; ; ; ; : T 79; 642122 : A : 1000- 8527(2006) 04- 0668- 05 UsingRS, GIS andAHP Technologies for LandslideHazard Assessment: Taking TiantaiLandslide in Xuanhan ounty, Sichuan Province as an Example HOU M in, JIA Shao-hu,i GUO Zhao-cheng (D ep artment of Land Science and Technology, China University of Geosciences, Beij ing 100083, China) Abstract: Based on RS ( remote sensing) and GIS ( geographic inform ation system ), landslide hazard assess- ment ofT iantai in Xuanhan County, Sichuan is studied by AH ( analytic hierarchy process) m ethod. Five evaluationelements including lineam ent structure, road, land use, slope grade and slope aspect are selected for landslide hazard assessment. The study area is divided into six regions by weight overlay as follow s, landslide extremely easily happening, landslide very easily happening, landslide easily happening, landslide possibly happening, landslide difficultly happening and landslide hardly ever happening. Comparedw ith field survey and related study results, it is found that the results coincide properlyw ith the actual situation. The risk of regional landslide hazard can be assessed by the method provided in this paper. Key words: RS; GIS; AH method; landslide; hazard assessment , , , , (AH ), , 35%, , 55% [ 1] 1 , , ( RS) , (GIS), , 450~ 700m, [ 2- 3] : 2005- 12- 15; : 2006- 08- 15; : : , ,


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