主谓一致 8p.ppt

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主谓一致 8p

主谓一致精练与解析 * * 主谓一致 Subject Verb Agreement 1.语法形式上的一致(主单谓单;主复谓复) 2.意义上的一致(主语形单意复,谓语用复数Eg:people;police) (主语形复意单,谓语用单数。Eg news; maths) 3.就近原则:either…or; neither…nor; not only…but also, there be 4. 就远原则:besides, but, except, with, as well as, like ,etc. 5. 单复数视情况而定。 1)集体名词作主语:强调整体,用单数;强调个体,用复数 2)单复数同形名词作主语,按意义一致原则。Eg: means, deer, sheep,etc 3)中心词是all, most, half, rest时,按意义一致原则。即主语单数意义,谓语用单数;主语复数意义,谓语用复数。 4)主语是and连接两个名词时,指一样东西,谓语单数;指两样东西,谓语复数。Eg: A knife and fork is on the table. 5)代词作主语,取决于它代替的是单数还是复数。意义一致原则。Eg: ours, yours; such, the same; who, that, which; any, either, neither,(单独作主语,谓语单数) none, all, some, more, 6)分数, 百分数,half of,  part of 作主语,于中心词保持一致。 7)主语从句; 动词不定式;动名词作主语 8)主谓倒装,谓语与其后主语一致。 6. 谓语用单数的情况: 1)名词所有格之后的名词被省略。(指商店,工场,住宅等)作主语。Eg: The doctor’s, my uncle’s, the baker’s 2) 中心词是时间、距离、金额、度量、书名等复数名词 作主语。Eg: three years; ten pounds;The selected poems of Li Bai; 3) each, every, no 所修饰名词,即使以and 或逗号连接。 Eg: each boy and each girl ; every man and woman 4) 主语有more than one…; many a … 5) a kind of; a pair of; a series of, a basket of… 6) This kind of… 7) The number of… 8) A great deal of…; a large amount of… +un 9) One and a half +可数名词复数 eg: One and a half bananas is left on the table. 10) the only one of +可数名词复数+定语从句。从句中的谓语用单数。 7.谓语用复数的情况: 1)police, people作主语。 2)有两个部分构成的名词。(表示衣物或工具)eg: glasses; trousers; shoes; chopsticks… 3) both…and…. 修饰主语 5) A number of; large quantities of; large amounts of修饰主语 6) the+ 形容词作主语表示一类人 7) one of the+可数名词复数+定语从句,从句中谓语动词用复数。 主谓一致专项练习 ? 1.The question raised by the teacher ________ very important. A. are     B is   C. was    D. were 2. The police _______ going to question every I the house  A. is    B. are    C. was    D. has been 3. His family ______ very large. His family ______ all model workers  A. are , is      B. is , are      C. are , are    D. is ,is 4. The fifth class ______ only twenty students. The whole class _______ taking notes in English. A. has , are    B. have ,


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