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新东方《考研英语历年真题详解及复习指南》同源精读 『哈佛研究者研究发现,人类喜欢谈论自己是受大 脑驱动,且谈论自己能够引起大脑的兴奋。所以 在现实生活中如果遇到喋喋不休谈论自己观点的 人,你也可以通过转而谈论自己消弱你的痛苦。』 Why We Talk About Ourselves: The Brain Likes It 大脑喜欢让我们谈论自己 May 8th 2012 | from time In a new study published in the respected Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Harvard University researchers conducted a series of experiments to assess1 how much people liked talking about themselves and why. In one study, they scanned people’s brains while those people either revealed personal information about themselves or judged the personalities or opinions of others. In another experiment, researchers tested whether people preferred to answer questions about themselves, other people or neutral2 facts — participants got differing levels of monetary3 compensation depending on the question they chose. Yet another study explored whether people wanted to share their answers with others or keep them to themselves. No matter4 the test, the researchers, led by Diana I. Tamir and Jason P. Mitchell at Harvard’s psychology department, found the results pointed the same way: humans get a biochemical5 buzz6 from self-disclosure. That’s why we spend almost 40% of conversation talking about ourselves, says the study — our brain chemistry drives us do it. In the experiment in which participants talked about either themselves or others during an fMRI scan, researchers found that sharing personal information led to activity in the reward areas of the brain — the same ones that are engaged in response to rewards like sex and food. Talking about other people


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