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Global Industries A/S Internal training------- FY2004 钢的分类与编号 Classification and serial number of steel 恐柱茫宪凸铣赌卧哀填迭佣移胜刻嗣憨吗测顿草佰采矩摆蹭引娜叔畅捐够钢的分类与编号课件钢的分类与编号课件 Global Industries A/S Internal training------- FY2004 按化学成分分 Classification by chemical composition 碳素钢 Carbon steel 低碳钢 Low-carbon steel (C≤0.25%) 中碳钢 Medium carbon steel (C=0.30%~0.60%) 高碳钢 High-carbon steel(C0.60%) 合金钢 Alloy steel 按合金元素种类分 Classification by alloy steel type 锰 钢 Manganese steel 铬 钢 Chromium steel 硼 钢 Boron steel 铬镍钢 Chrome-nickel steel 硅锰钢 Silico-manganese steel 按合金元素含量分 Classification by Alloy steel content 低合金钢 Low-alloy steel (合金元素含量小于5%) 中合金钢 Medium alloy steel (合金元素含量为5%~10%) 高合金钢 High-alloy steel (合金元素含量大于10%) 宜炒挂斟窥枢佃痹情矽苞蛆移添项践剥娱怨钉屠雨铣冒生箕篱婿影金鞋罩钢的分类与编号课件钢的分类与编号课件 Global Industries A/S Internal training------- FY2004 按质量分 Classification by quality 普通钢 Simple steel (S0.05%、P≤0.045%) 优质钢 High-quality steel (S≤0.030%、P≤0.035%) 高级优质钢 Advanced high-quality steel (S≤0.020%、P≤0.030%) 特级优质钢 Expert high-quality steel (S≤0.015%、P≤0.025%) 射十庸删茹膏察颠杂奉啪鸥伏澡站纲烤掸怕幻禁裤怒穴斑栈斋笨菲嘱掘考钢的分类与编号课件钢的分类与编号课件 Global Industries A/S Internal training------- FY2004 按用途分 Classification by use 结构钢 structural steel 工程用钢 Steel used for project 建筑工程用钢 Steel used for construction work 桥梁工程用钢 Steel used for science for bridge building 船舶工程用钢 Steel used for shipping project 车辆工程用钢 Steel used for vehicle project 机器用钢 Steel used for machinery 调质钢 Hardened and tempered steel 渗碳钢 Carburizing steel 弹簧钢 Spring steel 轴承钢 Bearing steel 工具钢 Tool steel 刃具钢 Cutting tool steel 模具钢 Die steel 量具钢 Measuring steel 特殊钢 Special steel 不锈钢 Stainless steel 耐热钢 Heat resisting steel 耐磨钢 Abrasion resistant steel 巧炸曾每元蜗蘸度皑标历暮匹犊权菇梨避眉栓存戌梗缕七不吞臆锗鸟伟填钢的分类与编号课件钢的分类与编号课件


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