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2007 7 23 7 J Pract Radio,l Jul. 2007, Vol. 23, No. 7 867 Neurorad iology 1 1 2 马永强 , 杨 宁, 林光武 (1 ,  100730; 2 )   : 。   42, 。   23(54. 8%), 18(42. 9%), 1(2. 3%)。 ; CT ;MRI CT。  , MRI。 :;;, X ;;X :R739. 91;R814. 42;R445. 2  :A  :1002 - 1671(2007)07 -0867 - 04 Analysis for Im aging Characteristics of Chordom a MA Yong - qiang, YANGN ing, LIN Guang -wu (Departmentof Radiology , Peking UnionMedicalCollege ospital, Peking UnionMedicalCollegeChineseAcademy ofMedicalSciences, Beijing 100730, China)    Abstract:Objective  To discuss the im agi gm a ifestatio s of chordom a. M ethods  The imagi gm a ifestatio s of chordom a i 42 cases proved by surgery a d pathology w ere retrospectively a alysed. Results The lesio s located at the regio of sku ll base i 23 cases (54. 8%), at the sacrococcygeal regio i 18 cases(42. 9%) a d o e case (2. 3%)outside the axial skeleto as a extra - axial chordoma or parachordom a. Bo e destructio i the areas ear skull base a d sacrococcygeal regio cou ld be fou d o radiography. O CT, chordoma typically appeared as a expa sile soft- tissuem ass that arises from the clivus a d sacrococcygeal regio w ith associated exte sive lytic bo e destructio . MR mi agi g w as co siderab ly superior to CT i the deli eatio of lesio exte t. Conclusion Chordom a has typ ically d istributio a d characteristic mi agi g m a ifestatio s, especiallyMRI. K ey words:tumor;chordom a;tom ography, X - ray compu ted;M R mi agi g;radiography   (chordoma), 1。 42 MRI, 33MRI, , 29 CT, 25。 (32%)、 (29. 2%) (32.


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