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实用文体翻译 ——商务翻译 用词简洁 Documents against payment 付款交单 Freight forward 运费到付 All sales are final. 货物售出,概不退换 Backlog of orders. 未交付订单 In your favor 以你方为受益 语义明确 A confirmed irrevocable letter of credit shall be established within 15 days after the conclusion of the contract and such L/C shall be maintained at least 15 days after the month of shipment for the negotiation of the relative draft. If the Buyers fail to provide such L/C in the Sellers’ favor as prescribed above, the Sellers shall have the option of reselling the contracted goods for the account of the Buyers or delaying any shipment and/or canceling and orders at any time on the Buyers’ account and risk. 保兑的和不可撤销的信用证须在合约签订之后十五天内开立。而且,该信用证须在货物付运月份之后至少十五天内继续有效, 以便议付有关汇票。 如果买方未能向卖方提供如上规定的 信用证, 卖方有权选择转售合约规定为买方的货物, 或推迟付运和 (或) 随时撤销任何订单, 损失和风险由买方承担 行文严谨 1. This Agreement is made and entered into in Shanghai on 18th May, 2003 by and between AA (hereinafter referred to as the “Seller”) and BB (hereinafter referred to as the “Buyer”). 本协议由 AA(以下称“卖方”)和 BB 以下称“买方”)于 2003 年 5 月 18 日在上海签订。 2. In the event the Buyer does not furnish the Seller with shipping information on or before May 19, 2003, the Seller may at his option cancel this contract. 若买方未在 2003 年 5 月 19 日或上此之前向卖方提供装船通知,卖方可撤销本合同。 3. Any and all notices and communications in connection with the Contract shall be written in the English language. 所有与本合同有关的通知和通讯均用英文书写。 4. Shipment is to be made in two equal lots at an interval of 30 days. 货分两批按相等数量间隔 30 天装运。 措辞委婉 1) Enclosed please find a copy of our price list. 随函寄上我方的价目表一份,请查收。 2) However, up to the present writing, we have not had the pleasure of hearing from you. 然而,迄今为止未见贵方赐复。 3) We should be much obliged if you could make us a firm offer for 100 tons. 如能报给我方一个一百吨的实盘,我方将不胜感激。 4) If you will kindly inform us as to his financial standing, reliability and reputation for paying bills, we shall greatly appreciate the favor. 如蒙贵方将他的信用状况、财务情况及付款方面的信誉情况告知我方,我方将非常感谢。 广告翻译 合同翻译 求职信翻译 公函 1 广告 (Adv


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