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equipment: n. 设备;装备 一件设备: _____________________ 太多设备: _____________________ equip vt. 装备;配备 搭配:_____________________: 装备有某物 [译] 每个老师都配有一台电脑。 Every teacher is equipped with a computer. appoint: vt. 任命 appoint sb as... 任命某人某个职位 appoint sb. to do sth. 委派某人做某事 词形变化: appointment n. 约会;预约 make an appointment with sb 与某人预约 appointed:adj. 约定的 ~time/place suit: n.__________________ v.__________________ 1.)It is the convention for men to wear _______ on formal occasions. 2.)Will that time__________? 3.)These prices don’t_________. 4.)No one can _________him in argument. 5.)This pair of shoes ________perfectly. I will take this pair. 6.)Her shoes_______ her dress;they look very well together. 7.)Those two shoes dont _________. make ones way:前往;行进 ①He made his way towards the filling station. ②Will you be able to make your way to the airport by yourself? anxious: 1.)Helen is anxious ________ travelling on her own. 2.)Peggy is anxious _______ show that she can deal with problems by herself. 3.)We are anxious ______ he should listen to our advice. anxious: 1.)We waited with __________ for the news of her safe arrival. 2.)They are __________ waiting for a decision. 3.)He is very __________ about his sons health. panic:n. v._________ 拓展:处于恐慌 陷入恐慌 vary: vt. 改变, 变更, 使多样化 vi. 变化, 不同, (彼此)相异 常用结构: vary in vary from ...to ... vary with 1.)天气一天天的变化着。 The weather varied _____________. 2.)物价随季节而变动。 Prices vary _____ the seasons. 3.)这些T恤的颜色不一样。 These T-shirts vary ____ color. adj._________ n. _________ guarantee: vt. 保证;担保 n. 保证, 保证书, 担保, 抵押品 1. 与……比较 2. 全部烧毁 3. 前往 4. 努力 5. 匆匆看一眼 6. 由……到……不等 7. 完全透明的 8.用某事去烦某人 9.使某人铭记某事 10.为…所感动;…有印象 11.给某人留下印象 12. 处在恐慌中 13.进入恐慌状态 14.保证…… 15.蜿蜒前行 16.不遗余力,尽力 仿写: 1.)我的问题在于我找不到好的学习方法。 My problem is ________________________ —————————————————— 2.)事实是我们没有太关注环保。 The fact is ________________________ —————————————————— 3. 【


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