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大学心理学试题8(国外英文资料) First, a radio question (1 points per game, 40 questions, totaling 40 points) 1, the human psychological structure is divided into ID, ego, superego three levels of psychological school is (). C A. functional psychology; B. behavioral psychology; C. psychoanalytic psychology; D. Gestalt psychology; 2, in the natural environment, the use of field experience, open interviews, on the psychological phenomenon of participation and non participatory observation, case studies, literature analysis and other methods to conduct in-depth and detailed and long-term research methods (is). C A. case study method; B. observation; C. qualitative research method; D. quantitative method 3, directly affect the efficiency of activities, and whether the activities can be completed smoothly, the relevant individual psychological characteristics are. C A. temperament; B. character; C. ability; D. intelligence 4, the psychological research method developed by the inquiry method in medical practice is (). A A. case study method; B. observation; C. qualitative research method; D. quantitative method 5, a purposeful, planned, strict control or creation of certain conditions, to arouse or change the psychological activities of the subjects, so as to carry out the analysis of research methods is (). B A. survey method; B. experiment method; C. observation; D. test 6, the most prominent feature of College Students emotional development is (). A A. has two sides; B. has stability; C. is explicit; D. is situational 7, a lot of College Students attitudes towards love show levity phenomenon. A A. do not seek permanence, but have ever owned; B., love only one, lovers can be more.; C. subjective studies first, objectively the supremacy of love; D. immersed in love, a good man caught in difficult circumstances 8, belongs to the persons psychological development characteristic is. B A. concentration and dispersion: B. continuity and phase; C. equilibrium and difference: D. directionalit


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