刘亚 中国人民人寿保定分公司保险营销策略分析doc.doc

刘亚 中国人民人寿保定分公司保险营销策略分析doc.doc

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刘亚 中国人民人寿保定分公司保险营销策略分析doc

中国人民人寿保定分公司保险营销策略分析 目录 摘 要 4 关键词: 4 Abstract 5 Key Words: 5 1绪论 6 1.1研究背景目的 6 1.2调研内容及方式 6 2保险营销关联的理论 8 2.1有关保险 8 2.2有关保险营销管理 8 3中国人寿保险保定分公司保险营销策略现状 10 3.1 公司概要状态 10 3.2 SWOT架构下的保险业务解析 10 3.2.1 解析挑战及机会 10 3.2.2 公司独有的优势及弊病 11 3.3现有营销策略 11 3.4细分保险市场与选择 12 4现有保险营销策略的弊病 14 4.1产品结构不适宜 14 4.2 价格体系不佳 14 4.3 营销路径没能拓展 14 4.4 促销缺乏体系性 15 4.5 品牌营销特有的认知不够 15 5提升营销效果 16 5.1 设定产品对策 16 5.2 设定价格对策 16 5.3 设定渠道组合 16 5.4 设定促销对策 17 5.5 设定品牌对策 17 6结论 18 参考文献 19 摘 要 伴随经济进展,生活水准提升。在这种状态下,保险占到的总消费比值也在递增。国内市场中,保险业快速兴起,涌现更多对手。但与之相对,人们现有的保险认知、对产品的认知仍没能深入,有必要接着去发掘潜在的这类市场。中国人民人寿架构下的保定分公司,已经入市多年;在市场营销、平常市场推广之中,都获取了凸显的成效。然而,它也面对着剧烈态势下的竞争,面临多重挑战。若要获取凸显的进展,应当着力去优化现有的营销路径。本文探析了中国人寿保定分公司采纳的营销对策,辨识真实状态,解析深层级的消费心态。明晰了公司定位、面对消费群体、现有外在环境。通过探析可得,现有保险产品凸显了雷同的倾向,销售路径单一,外在环境也缺失平衡。通过这种探析,摸索了最适宜的化解路径,促进营销进展。 关键词:中国人民人寿;保定分公司;保险营销策略 Abstract With the rapid development of economy and peoples living standard improving , the proportion of insurance products in consumption increases gradually. Domestic insurance industry rises day by day ,it also faces fierce competition. But peoples insurance consciousness is not relatively high, they can not well understand the insurance products. How to tap the potential market is a difficult problem now.BaoDing branch of Chinese Peoples Life Insurance is growing for many years, the market promotion and marketing has made some achievements, but also faces challenges in terms of market share. For example:the Pacific Company.If you want to break through a greater progress, you may need to be done to this companys existing marketing strategy optimization. This paper analyses China life insurance company marketing strategy in the marketing strategy through the companys actual situation, and analyses consumers psychology and the competitors marketing strategy . Combined with the author, the company internship experience and combined income to check related literature. To the companys positioning, consumer groups, corporate environment as the research basis, we found th


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