牛津初中英语8Aunit5 welcome to the unit and reading 讲学稿.docVIP

牛津初中英语8Aunit5 welcome to the unit and reading 讲学稿.doc

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牛津初中英语8Aunit5 welcome to the unit and reading 讲学稿 学习要点: 1学习常见鸟的名称并用正确的语言描述它们的特征和外貌 2阅读短文,了解扎龙自然保护区的情况并对课文内容作出正确的回答 3词汇:birdwatch ,birdwatcher , market , roast , yummy , crane ,seagull,long-winged ,web-footed ,sparrow,swallow,pointed , forked, northern,swan 。golden eagle, brownish, broad ,hooked , nature, north-east , wetland, wildlife, provide ,shelter, stay, rare, red-crowned, farm。 4掌握课文中重点短语和句子:I am going birdwatching at the market . Beijing Ducks and roast chickens 等 要点导学: 1、I am going birdwatching at the market . 我要去市场观鸟 go birdwatching 去观鸟 go+doing 表示”去做…” at the market 在市场上 2、Beijing Ducks and roast chickens 北京烤鸭和烤鸡 3、brown and grey feathers long pointed wings forked tail fly to northern countries in summer long thin neck brownish feathers broad wings hooked beak 4、Zhalong is a nature reserve in Heilongjiang in north-east China . 扎龙是一个自然保护区, 它在中国东北部的黑龙江省. in north-east China 相当于 in the northeast of China 5 It is one of the world’s most important wetlands.这是世界上最重要的湿地之一 one of +复数名词 意为“……之一”,常与形容词的最高级连用。如: She is one of the best students in our class .她是我们班最优秀的学生之一 上海是世界上最大的城市之一. Shanghai is in the world. 6The area is a great place for wildlife because it provides food and shelter for them.这个地方是野生生物的理想之地,因为它为它们提供了食物和栖息地。 provide sth for sb 为某人提供某物 =provide sb with sth 供应某人某物 The government provides much money for the Project Hope . 国家为希望工程投入了大量资金 这些河流为农田提供用水. 7 Many birds live in Zhalong Nature Reserve all year round, and some go there for a short stay .许多鸟类长年生活在扎龙自然保护区内,有些鸟去那里作短暂停留。 all (the) year round “一年到头,终年” 如: He and his wife are busy all year round . 他和他妻子一年忙到头. 昆明一年到头四季如春. for a short stay “作短暂停留” stay 是名词,意为”逗留” 如: I hope you’ll enjoy your stay


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