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火狐浏览器中firebug调试console命令大全 The Console command is detailed to make debugging js code easier Firebug is a tool for web development that can greatly improve productivity. But it is not easy to do. I once translated an introduction to Firebug and introduced some basic USES. Today, well continue with its advanced usage. = = = = = = = = The Firebug console explanation By ruan Source: //blog/firebug_console_tutorial.html The Console (Console) is the first panel of Firebug and is the most important panel, and the main purpose is to display a variety of information during page loading. A command that displays information Firebug has a console object built in and provides five methods for displaying information. The simplest method is the console.log (), which can be used to replace alert () or document.write (). For example, use the console in a web page script ( Hello World ) and the load time console automatically displays the following content. In addition, according to the different nature of information, the console object there are four ways to display information, respectively is general information to the console. The info (), in addition to the wrong information to the console. The debug (), warning the console. Warn (), error message console. The error (). For example, insert the following four lines in a web page script: The ( this is info ); Console. Debug ( this is debug ); ( this is warn ); The console. Error ( this is error ); When loading, the console displays the following. As you can see, in front of the different nature of the information has different icon, and every message behind has super link, click on the corresponding line after the jump to page source. Second, the placeholder The top 5 methods of the console object can be used with printf style placeholders. However, there are fewer types of placeholders, only the characters (% s), integer (% d or % I), floating point (% f), and object (% o) four. For instance, ( % d % d % d % d % d % d % d % d


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