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俄罗斯C语言经典代码(国外英文资料) # include DOS. H # include conio. H # include graphics. H # include stdlib. H # ifdef __cplusplus # define __CPPARGS... # the else # define __CPPARGS # endif # define MINBOXSIZE 20 / * the size of the smallest square * / # define BGCOLOR 6 / * background color * / # define GX 200 # define 10 GY The # define SJNUM 10000 / * whenever a player hits 10,000 levels plus one / * key code * / # define VK_LEFT 0x4b00 # define VK_RIGHT 0 x4d00 Pound sign define VK_DOWN 0x5000 Pound sign define VK_UP 0x4800 Pound sign define VK_HOME 0x4700 # define VK_END 0x4f00 # define VK_SPACE 0 x3920 Pound sign define VK_ESC 0x011b # define VK_ENTER 0 x1c0d / * define the direction of tetris (I define him 4) * / # define F_DONG 0 # define F_NAN 1 # define F_XI 2 # define F_BEI 3 # define NEXTCOL 20 / * the vertical coordinate of the next block. * / # define NEXTROW 12 / * the cross of the next block is from the standard * / # define MAXROW 14 / * game screen size * / # define MAXCOL 20 # define SCCOL 50 / * the relative position of the large screen of a game screen # define SCROW 30 # define X_Z 0 / * defines the square of the block (eight kinds) * / # define X_REZ 1 # define X_7 2 # define X_RE7 3 # define X_I 4 # define X_REI 5 # define X_TIAN 6 # define X_T 7 Int gril [22]. / * game screen coordinates * / Int col = 1, row = 7; / * the horizontal axis of the current block * / Int boxfx = 0, boxgs = 0; / * the shape and direction of the temple block Int nextboxfx nextboxgs, maxcol = 22; / * the shape and direction of the next square Int minboxcolor nextminboxcolor; Int num = 0; / the game is divided by Int DJ = 0, gamedj [10] = {18, 16, 16, 14, 12, 6, 4, 2, 1}; / * game class * / Struct all { Int x, y; Int fangxiang; Int gesu. }; / * the following USES a 3-dimensional array to record the initial shape and direction of the square Int boxstr [8] [4] [4] = {{{{{ {0, 0, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0, 0, {0, 1, 1, 0}, {0, 0, 1, 1}, { {0, 0, 0, 0, {0, 0, 0, 0, {0, 0, 1, 1}, {0, 1, 1


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