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Formatted string
The function Format (const Format: string; const Args: array of const) : string;
The Format string specification:
% [index :] [ ] [ ] [ ]
The formatting string must start with %
(2) the index refers to the sequence number of each item shown in the Args parameter list. Such as: the Args is
[ a , c], then a has an index of 0, and c has an index of 1, and only because of it
Two terms, so there will be no more than one index.
Format ( % 2: s % 1: s, 1st, 2nd, 3rd);
Result: 32nd 1st
(3) [ - ] this identifier is used to fill Spaces on the right when the number of characters to display is less than [width].
If you dont add [ - ], fill the blanks on the left.
Format ( (% 4s) , [ aa ]); Results: aa
(4) [width] width
Specifies the number of characters to display. If the width to display is greater than [width], then it is practical
The width is shown; Instead, fill in the blanks or fill other characters as required.
(5) [.prec] accuracy
This is for floating-point Numbers, which is the number of digits after the decimal point.
(6) type type (see below)
The possible value of type has the following:
(1) d has a decimal number
Args has to be a symbol integer. If you also include [. prec] in the format string, if Args
If the length is less than the number given, fill 0 in the front. If it is greater than the number of precision, it is shown by the actual length.
Format ( (%. 3d) ); Results: (099)
(2) u unsigned decimal number
Args must be unsigned integer. Other properties are the same as d.
(3) e science and technology
Using the science and technology method to display the data, the form is as follows: - d.d dd... E + DDD .
The Args must be a floating-point number. If its a negative number, it shows a symbol at the front; In front of the decimal point
Always display a number; The number of Numbers, including the number in front of the decimal point, is determined by [.prec ].
If not specified [.prec] , the default is 15. If the actual number is exc
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