脂代谢201221 24.ppt

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第九章 脂肪酸的分解代谢 White and Brown Adipose Tissue White Adipose Tissue (WAT, White Fat) used as a store of energy; acts as a thermal insulator; Brown Adipose Tissue (BAT, Brown Fat) abundant in newborns and in hibernating mammals; Contains a much higher number of mitochondria and more capillaries than white fat. 贮藏物质/能量物质 脂肪是机体内代谢燃料的贮存形式,它在体内氧化可释放大量能量以供机体利用。 脂肪组织储存脂肪, 约占体重10~20% .1g脂肪在体内彻底氧化供能约38KJ,而1g糖彻底氧化仅供能16.7KJ。 合理饮食 脂肪氧化供能占 15~25% 空腹 脂肪氧化供能占 50% 以上 禁食1~3天 脂肪氧化供能占 85% 饱食、少动 脂肪堆积,发胖 提供给机体必需脂成分 (1)必需脂肪酸 亚油酸 18碳脂肪酸,含两个不饱和键; 亚麻酸 18碳脂肪酸,含三个不饱和键; 花生四烯酸 20碳脂肪酸,含四个不饱和键; (2)生物活性物质:激素、胆固醇、维生素等。 一、脂质的消化、吸收和传送 三脂酰甘油的结构 某些天然存在的脂肪酸 消化脂肪的酶 脂肪的消化和吸收 脂肪的乳化 胆汁酸的结构 三脂酰甘油的转移 脂蛋白的不同密度 脂蛋白的形成部位和功能 HDL和LDL与心血管疾病的关系 二、脂肪酸的氧化 Fatty acids are activated on the outer membrane of mitochondria Fatty acids are converted to fatty acyl-CoA (a high energy compound) via a fatty-acyl-adenylate intermediate (enzyme-bound) by the action of fatty acyl-CoA synthetases (also called fatty acid thiokinase). 实验证据:1904年,F.Knoop的标记实验: 实验前提:已知动物体内不能降解苯环 实验方案:用苯基标记的饱和脂肪酸饲喂动物 Early labeling experiments (1904): fatty acids are degraded by sequential removal of two-carbon units When dogs were fed with odd-numbered fatty acids attached to a phenyl group, benzoate was excreted; and when fed with even-numbered, phenylacetate was excreted. Hypothesis: the ?-carbon is oxidized,with two-carbon units released by each round of oxidation. These experiments are a landmark in biochemistry, in using synthetic label (the phenyl group here) to elucidate reaction mechanism, and was done long before radioisotopes was used in biochemistry! 脂肪酸的β- 氧化途径 肉毒碱是季胺类化合物,是一种人体必需的营养素,有着重要的生物学功能和临床应用价值。近年来肉毒碱在心脑血管疾病、消化疾病、儿童疾病的预防和治疗,以及血液透析病人的营养支持和运动医学等领域已得到广泛的研究和应用。 其中的肉碱脂酰转移酶Ⅰ和Ⅱ是一组同工酶。前者在线粒体外催化脂酰CoA上的脂酰基转移给肉碱,生成脂酰肉碱;后者则在线粒体内将运入的脂酰肉碱上的脂酰基重新转移至CoA,游离的肉碱被运回内膜外侧循环使用。 Activated (long chain) fatty acids are carried into the matrix by


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