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推動十二年國民教育政策之研究 摘要 在教育發展的軌跡中,從「基礎教育全民化」演變到「中等教育全民化」轉換到「高等教育全民化」發展到「終身教育全民化」這些都是教育社會之發展趨勢。基於「教育可以提升人力素質,有利國家社會發展」的前提下,延長國民教育年限成為我國長久以來的教育規劃目標,故自從1968年推動九年國民教育後,歷經數任教育部長都曾提出不同形式的延長國民教育方案。 政府已經初步決定十二年國民教育辦理內涵為「免試、免費、非強迫」,並以逐年完成為原則。本文研究者以參與政策規劃者身分,將參與整個十二年國民教育辦理模式規劃之經過,規劃時主要理念,規劃時主要的關鍵爭論問題及規劃完成之政策架構,包括十二年國民教育政策性質和定義、政策架構中的目標、入學方式、學區劃分、學費等做一分析,最後並提出結論與建議,期望對未來推動十二年國民教育政策有所啟示及幫助。 關鍵字:十二年國民教育、國民教育、義務教育 A Study on the policy of Promoting Twelve-years National Education From the experience obtained from advance countries, extending national education has already become a trend. Based on the premise that “Education can promote the quality of human resource and assist in the development of our country and society”, extending the years of national education had long become the educational planning objective. Thus even throughout different ministers of education, no other form of extending national education proposal has been brought up since the launch of nine-years national education in 1968. Our government has initially decided that the content of the twelve-years national education will eventually be set to “no tests, no fees, and non-compulsory” and will be carried out gradually as a principle. The researchers of this article will analyze and come up results and suggestions as a policy planning personnel. The results and suggestions will be drawn from attendance in the planning of the twelve-years national education implement model, main theory, key argument problems and policy structure after plan. The policy structure mentioned here denotes the policy nature and definition of the twelve-years national education which includes goals, entrance methods, division of the school districts, and tuitions. Results and suggestions will be given at the end of this paper in hope to inspire and aid future promotion of the twelve-years national education policy. Key word: 在這知識經濟時代,國民教育程度越高,國家社會將越發展,以前國中畢業生的知識程度已不太符合未來不斷高科技化的就業市場所需求;且目前青少年犯罪嚴重,實施十二年國教可以提升國民素質,減少青少年犯罪,進而


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