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Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 91 International Conference on Modern Management, Education Technology, and Social Science (MMETSS 2016) The Evaluation Index System and Model of Engineering Quality for Engineering Students Xin-liang CAO 1,a,*, Hong-xia YANG 2,b and Jian-xin LI1,c 1School of Phy. and Elec. Infor., Yan’an University, Shaanxi Yan’an, China 2 School of Architectural Engineering, Yan’an University, Shaanxi Yan’an, China a b c Caoxinliang874@163.com, yanghongxia72@126.com, yaljx @126.com Keywords: Engineering quality, Index system, Evaluation model Abstract: In order to meet China Engineering Education Accreditation, and comprehensively improve the quality of engineering students, the tower Index System is explored. And Engineering Students engineering Qualities and the appropriate evaluation model is established based on AHP. As an example by electronic information undergraduates, an engineering quality evaluation system is included and the quality evaluation method is studied. This work is to provide methods and reference for training quality engineering on quality self-assessment evaluation to schools. 工科大学生工程素质评价指标体系与评价模型 1,a,* 2,b 1,c 曹新亮 ,杨红霞 ,李建新 1 延安大学物理与电子信息学院,陕西延安,中国 2 延安大学建筑工程学院,陕西延安,中国 a b c Caoxinliang874@163.com, yanghongxia72@126.com, yaljx@126.com 关键词:工程素质;指标体系;评价模型 摘 要:为适应工程教育认证要求、全面提高工科大学生素质,探索的工科大学生工程素质的 塔式指标体系,依据层次分析法建立相应的评价模型。以电子信息类本科生为例,列举出工 程素质评价指标体系、研究了一套评价方法,为学校对工程素质培养质量自评提供评价方法 和参考依据。 1.引言 中国工程教育认证体系于2016 年 6 月正式加入 “华


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