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2002 年1 月 外语教学 Jan. 2002 第23 卷 第1 期 Foreign Language Education Vol. 23 No . 1 李 杰, 钟永平 ( 汕头大学 外语系 广东 汕头 515063) : 在功能语言学的体系中, 情态不仅与情态助动词关系密切, 而且 与人际语法隐语、情态附 加成分以及诸如情态形容词、情态名物化结构等方面有关。本文将对英语情态系统进行功能分类, 并对其表达方式、以及语义上的主客观指向、语用方面的礼貌级别、语篇领域的评价作用等功能特 点进行分析研究。 : 情态; 命题; 功能 : H31 :A : 1000-5544( 2002) 01-000 -07 Abstract: In the Systemic-functional perspective, modalit y is not only associated w ith modal , , verbs but also with interpersonal metaphor m odal adjuncts and other miscellaneous aspects such as modal adjectival predicat ors and modal nominal equivalents. T his paper is going to first briefly classify the English modal system, and t hen make analyses of t he funct ional features in its expres- sional forms, its subjective/ objective orientations in semantic sense, its pragmatic values in polite- ness and its evaluative values in text . Key words : modality ; proposition; function , 1. ( Whit e, 1 75: Preface, , 1 8) , ; , , , , Fow ler , , ( Fowler, , 1 7 : 85) Quirk , ( Quirk et al. , 1 85: 21 ) , (polarity) , , , ,


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