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【Pharmacological effects】 Antipyretic functions(解热) Anti-inflammatory effect (抗炎) Resistance to damage the liver(抗肝损伤) Resist radiation(抗辐射) Anti-tuberculosis bacterium(抗结核菌) 【Microscopic identification】 North Cork layers(木栓层): seven to eight column cork cells. Cortex(皮层):narrow 7 ~ 11 oil chambers(油室) , 6 ~ 8 secretory cells. Phloem oil chambers : small. 【Microscopic identification】 North Cambium(形成层): circular Xylem(木质部) occupies most, big catheter(导 管) tangential arrange, wood fibers and parenchyma cells(薄壁细 胞 )arranged in a few rings. 【Microscopic identification】 South Cork layers (木栓层) :many listed cork cells. The cortex(皮层): narrow. Phloem(韧皮部): wider. oil chambers(油室): more and big . Cambium(形成层): circular. Xylem catheter(木质部导管) : radial arrangement. Wood rays : narrow and more. North South Comparision Powder North: grey-brown South: yellow-brown Physical and chemical identification TLC(薄层色谱): Ultrasonic extraction with methanol, filtration, concentrated filtrate as the sample. Bupleurum and saponins(皂苷)a, d as the reference substance. Spread with ethyl acetate-ethanol- water (8:2:1),silica gel G board. Physical and chemical identification 40% sulfuric acid solution of 2% para- bimethyl benzene aminoformaldehyde(对甲基氨基苯甲醛) to show color, examined under uv lamp or sunlight. In the sample chromatography, and corresponding position in the control chromatography, show the same color spots. 【Attention】 B.longiradiatum Turcz(大叶柴胡)once used in the northeast as Bupleurum. But it is toxic, cannot used as medicine. That’s all. Thank you for your listening. 申子灵 孙连君 孙振伟 王炳杉 王春霆 申子灵 孙连君 孙振伟 王炳杉 王春霆 (Angelica ) ( Bupleurum chinense ) 伞形科 Umbelliferae 【分布 Distribution 】 About 275 genera, 2900 species; Spread tropical ,subtropical and temperate zone; 95 genera, 540 species in our country Medicinal 55 genera, 234 species to be known Contain important economic plants (seasoning, vegetables,


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