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The Social Status of Women Feudal society founding of china 21st Century The Development of Women’s Social Status Reform and Opening-up The Age of Feudal society ★The Three obediences and Four Virtues ★The Footbinding ★Seven Womens Crimes 三从 四德 未嫁从父 既嫁从夫 夫死从子 妇德 妇言 妇容 妇功 her father as a daughter her husband as a wife her sons as a widowhood Morality Proper Speech Modest Manner Diligent Work The First Question What do you think of the three obediences and four virtues? Never be tender Never be considerate Never be reasonable You can not criticize You can not hit You can not scold You can not provoke Time Development Conclusion Influence Schema of an x-ray comparison between an unbound and bound foot The Second Question Do you know what is the harm to womens foot binding? 七出之罪 Seven Womens Crimes 一、不顺父母: poor service to in-laws 二、无子:childlessness 三、淫:debauchery 四、妒: jealousness 五、有恶疾:bad habits 六、口多言:taletelling 七、窃盗:theft The Third Question Which crime is that you can not stand?Why? The Age of Founding of New China In Politics In Economic In Education political participation support and development get the same chance ? The Age of Reform and Opening-up Clothing Liberating the mind fashion modernization ? The Age of 21st Century more equal more freedom more brave Womenlife The Last Question As a person of the 21st century,what do you think of the womens social status ? Feudal society founding of china 21st Century The Development of Women’s Social Status Reform and Opening-up The Words 1.heroine:女主角;女英雄;女杰出人物 2.torment:折磨 3.sympathetic:同情的;赞同的 4.utterly:完全地 5.constitut:构成 6.encounter:遭遇 7.tender:柔软的;温柔的 8.flatter:恭维;奉承 9.solely:唯一地 10. pluck:采;摘;n.勇气 11. conciliate:安抚;劝慰 12. bluntly:率直地;迟钝的;钝地 13. radiance:辐射;光辉;发光 14. fictitious:虚拟的 15. despatch:派遣;调遣 The Words The Phrases come between an argument or problems between people(在两人间)引起纠纷 Eg: The dog often comes between my neighbor and me. do battle wit


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